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Permanent Ban Appeal - Mattt A (Unbanned)

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eating poo out toilet bowl
In-game Name

Matthew Ajazurington

Steam ID


Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I was banned as i was having fun with a friend, and a quad bike flew across the map killing him. This appeared to be VDM, as my friend died and we were not in the same gang at the time.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

In the last six months i have completed my GCSE's, aswell as playing other games. Nothing fancy really..

Why do you want to return ?

I wish to return as many of my friends still play here, and i did not intend to get myself banned in the first place. The link in my first denied appeal is a perfect example of what we did, however with a quad bike, and we meant no harm by what we did.

Why should we unban you ?

I believe i should be unbanned, as i previously mentioned i meant no harm by what i did. Starting college and finishing school has also taught me to be more level headed, and think through my decisions more before i do stupid unprovoked things. Furthermore, i have got alot less free time now, and would play much less, meaning there would be much less trouble for me to cause, not that i would anyway.



Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


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Honestly, i was going to attempt to play on his account, as i was very tempted to see how the server was.. I attempted to log on, i think multiple times as i was being chain kicked. After being kicked once or twice, i just left it, and said that there was no point, and it would be best to wait as my un-ban was soon available. Later on around 11pm i tried to log on once again, however i got as far as logging into the server to the ban message '1.2', as he thought it was acceptable to use a racist term on the server, (which of course i would never do).

I only got onto the server for around 5 minutes in total before being kicked off. I was incredibly eager to play, as i had a few old friends who re begun playing the server, and i didn't want to miss out on playing with them as they sounded like they were having tonnes of fun. It was an option to play, however i didn't actually get into the server at any point for a sufficient period of time. I deeply apologise for even attempting to play whilst banned, and i did infact regret my decision later on that night. The impatience of me wanting to come and chill on this server once again got the better of me, and again i deeply apologise for doing what i did.


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So this is not your account but you've logged into it before?


The account is not owned by me, it is a relatively close friend of mine. He Let me borrow the account to try rust on a very long time ago. However i recently attempted to log onto the server, to no avail. I do understand how even attempting to join was such a stupid thing to do, and apologise for it. The excitement of my appeal window coming up soon got the better of me, and i let myself down.

This was a sheer stupid decision that i made, and regret it sincerely.

I would also like to reinforce, momentarily after trying to join i felt instant regret, and thought it was an insanely stupid thing to do. It only came to me, to attempt to join, as my close friends had begun playing the server once again, and the fun they were having sounded like too much to miss out on. It was almost a rush, which passed through no filters in my brain and just happened without consideration.


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Just to clear it off the way, did you or did you not play on this account? by "play" I mean connected to the server picked a slot and moved his character.

Also please try to convince me of why you should be unbanned you have been banned few times in the past and here we are again, how will you go about it this time?

I got into the server, but was met with the ban message from the other guy who played on the account, so no, i did not get to move the character.

 - Though i have been banned a few times in the past, i believe that i can fully stop myself from it happening again. I will be playing with a whole new bunch of people, who are my IRL friends, and playing the server in a much more enjoyable way, rather than committing chain crimes, which is where most of my bans have came from (due to mistakes during robberies / gunfights etc.) 

 - This means i would be more focused in the role play aspect of the server, and less drawn to gunfights. I have dissolved my urge for firefights, due to the trouble it causes and time it wastes. Role play is a simple and more fun alternative, which can be achieved fluently. It is also one of the things I aspire to improve, as the server is of course heavily RP based.

I very much look forward to being back here, and joining in on my friends fun, whilst causing no trouble.

Thanks, mattt

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I am still surprised you are saying it caused "no harm" ... its a serious roleplay server, you can go rent your own arma server a dick around on or do it elsewhere, a further ban for "VDM" or another serious reason will result in a perm ban without appeal.

Do you understand ?

I understand completely, and no harm will be caused again. Complete caution will be taken when playing.

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