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Permanent Ban Appeal - macdonald_unban_2

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In-game Name

INS MacDonald [8693]

Steam ID


Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I was banned for placing immature and offensive map markings while on police patrol. These targeted two players (who knew i was joking and were ok with it, but it is still out of order.) publicly, as the map markings were visible to all officers. These markings contained references to the IRA and pedophilia, which are two things that should not be joked about due to their major effect on large numbers of people.

I also spoke in a rude manner about a member of the staff team. I genuinely do not remember the specifics of what I said but its likely to revolve around use of GPS. I have apologised to the member of staff multiple times, however this obviously does not right the wrong.

A contributing factor to my 1.6 was also my ban history. I was given a very generous final warning from Stavik after recieving a ban for hop on. Which I idiotically decided to remove from the forefront of my mind, causing me to end up here.

My behaviour was unacceptable.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

Not playing arma, thats for sure. I uninstalled the game about 4 days after my ban. I bought arma to play on RPUK after it was reccommended to me by two members of a gmod community I was part of. Played the hell out of it for two years, then it came to an end. I decided I didnt want to go off to some toxic frag server I wouldnt enjoy. So I made the decision to take a full break from arma.

This decision was also influenced by the exams which were coming up very soon. If i had continued playing arma all day im sure i would have cocked them up entirely. Thankfully,through hard work, I managed to achieve AAABB, which is good enough for an unconditional offer for the course I want to do at uni. I am now studying Advanced Higher Maths, Advanced Higher Computing science, and Higher Music.

Gameswise, ive been playing a bit of escape from tarkov, squad etc but mostly SCP:SL. My brother convinced me to install it and now its basically all I play. Ive actually run into a couple RPUK members on there which was nice. Kept me updated on the general news of the server. (Seatbelts????) .

You might find this one quite rich, but I am also a Moderator on one of the official SCP:SL game servers. Which is a bit hellish as its a free game, but I enjoy it anyway.

Ive also started playing Osu! quite a bit, not a game i thought I would enjoy but its actually really fun.

Other than that, not much really. The usual summer antics and such. Mostly good. One, well, not so great.

Why do you want to return ?

As you have probably noticed. Im appealling a bit early (about 3 weeks early). I made the decision to appeal early after getting a notification from the RPUK steam group, asking for players opinions on how the server could be improved. I have some good points to put forward and would really like to do what I can to help get the server back where it used to be and where it belongs.

I really did love playing on RPUK, and havent had an experience like it. I tried a bit of FiveM, but it just didnt do it for me. The quality and variety of roleplay, sense of community, and professionalism of the volunteers that work hard to maintain it is completely unique to here. I want to return not only for the present. But also for the future. Im sure ArmA 4 will be announced at some point in the next few years. And I know for a fact that RPUK will bound its way back to the top when its released.

Its the downtime that I miss the most. When there isnt anything major going on and youre just sitting about chatting with the people around you and cracking jokes. You just dont get it on other games.

Why should we unban you ?

Ive been a fool on countless occasions. And I am annoyed at myself for doing so. I know I am capable of a high standard of roleplay, and enjoy RP hugely.

Ive dissappointed Stavik by ruining my chance

Ive dissappointed Reminissions and Sciencefreak, who were stern, but fair whenever I made stupid decisions in the Police.

But most importantly. Ive dissappointed myself.

I just want to try my absolute hardest, and after nearly 6 months of missing RPUK, i truly mean it, to redeem myself.

I want to prove my capabilities and provide excellent RP, support, and suggestions to the community. Because I know I can do this. All I ask for is the chance to do so. I know ive had chance after chance, but it never really clicked until the 6 month ban. It has made me come to my senses.

Given the chance I would also like to talk to the member of staff I talked about. Because I hate leaving things like this without talking to the person. Its bad for my conscience.

I WONT let you down.

Thank you - MacDonald

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


You are not on any retain lists in the upcoming mass unban therefore this appeal is not required and will be timed out.

In the meantime @MacDonald has been unbanned on the forums

The appeal has been Timed out, We are unable to keep ban appeals open indefinitely, You may reopen a new appeal but don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord


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