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Permanent Ban Appeal - LucasDW (Unbanned 24/12/16)

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Well-known member
In-game Name

[KFC] Panda

Steam ID


Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

Its bin 6 month + i got banned becouse combat logging my opionen we where both wrong but he recorded im wrong ive seen the mistakes.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

Some netflix, Bin on dayz servers with friends last time allot of Overwatch.

Why do you want to return ?

Cuz ive been waiting to get some fun with playing friends for arma bought the dlc for the altis life server cuz i wanted to kart trough the map with friends, such a great time doing drug runs.

Why should we unban you ?

Becouse i growen up and from mistakes you learn more then from right things. Its only harder to accept but i really really want to play again ;).
Oh and i cannot click on the (unban appeal procces) link page doesnt excist.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


Before i forget i asked about when i can unban apeal becouse i did it twice it said latest but im not from england or america so i asked if i had to wait to 21 december or 16 and he told me you can do it today. Before i need to wait 6 months again. 

Greeting Lucas

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What was with the silly status updates when your appeal was denied?

Do you have a link? becouse the modpack was a sirieus question and so whas the kavala mode it.

If you mean the 6 month + one i really didnt know where to find it first but yesterday i whas the hole day at the forums reading rules and waiting for a response. So i learned where to find it most of it.


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Im sorry.

I was really pissed back then.

Id love to come baCK To the server im talking about it everyday im sick right nothing to do.

Friend playing arma altislife.

I wont make that mistake anymore i promises!

I srs loved this server i heard there a some great new updates i wanna experince the roleplay again.

I roleplayed allot roleplayed me outof trouble at drugdealer (Roleplay is more powerfull then weapons :p

I whas acting childish there sorry

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Warning points issued to John for breaking rule 12.4 

Are you now ready to act like and adult and follow the rules going forward? This will be your very last chance here at roleplay.co.uk 

Im sir im ready i cant wait to play again.

Thanks for giving me a chance!

You made me really happy! :) Cant wait

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Good, we'll be watching you. 

Unbanned - Have a good Christmas!

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