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Permanent Ban Appeal - Lindley_Unbanerino

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Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

Because i passenger seated someone just outside of Kavala, therefore 1.6d.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?


Why do you want to return ?

As in previous appeal:

As i am writing this, i am searching for this answer myself. Is it for the memes? is it for the roleplay? or is it perhaps- and dare i say for the frags? i don't know. But what i do know is there is not a bad egg in the RPUK community (EDIT: apparently there is, i was wrong). And thats why i want to take a moment and apologise to each and everyone on these forums. I am sorry that i have failed you, i made a stupid silly mistake and i can only apologise that i brought myself down to the level of these very scum that i should have been against.

More than the server itself, i want to keep up with people that i have met and spent hours with on the server.

Why should we unban you ?

As from previous appeal:

Honestly, it was a pretty clear rule break. Im not going to deny that it was just straight blatant VDM (even though i was 1.6d). Having said that, i have seen with my very own eyes people who have done worse being given second chances and unbanned. As this was the only thing that i have done intentionally wrong, i would appreciate being unbanned. Having said that, i also understand that not everyone gets second chances.

It might be worth noting that i was primarily banned due to my own negligence and stupidity. I just want it to be noted and specified as the evidence stacks up against me, i never intended to make a VDM montage. I never had any videos// did any intentional VDM like this before- rendering it impossible. Obviously i didnt have chance to say this ingame when i was notified that somebody got this tip.

p.s. KingGodDiablozz, i still love you.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

Looking back on the appeal, i realise while it hasn't been 6 months since my ban, i could give a little incite on whats been happening for me. Since being banned in September, i have continued to work IRL and progress through with Army application, going to the assessment centre in November. I imagine the next few months of my life will be working whilst waiting for the MoD to contact me regarding my availability to start basic training. Having had a few months to reflect on everything, gaming in my spare time has been dry. I was warned that i would regret my actions, and i do.

No doubt it was extremely childish. This is a given considering i spent the rest of my time on RPUK seriously, but thought i was smart by throwing away my privileges, clearly wrong as here we are. I can only apologise to the staff team and certain members of the community for my actions and only hope for forgiveness.

[I added this comment in as, looking back at the appeal i didnt maximise my effort to fill it out properly, if there are any other questions regarding anything i would be happy to answer to help my case]

@Lindley_Unbanerino putting your little VDM video production aside

Tell me more about this snake test where your group of friends ask people to say something racist in order to gain the group's trust?

No point in lying btw at this stage, I know more than you think so proceed with your appeal with truth it might get you further.

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I appreciate the response, so the last time I was in the police I remember hearing about a snake test from other people (it was a joke at the time) and after I left the police I started to play with some guys from that night.

 I didn’t ask anyone or everyone that I spoke to do it, it wasn’t a thing that me or a group of people asked anyone to do to make them say racist shit,  but I ’m guilty of using this test Atleast  once. (Seriously)

Infact I had forgotten until you asked me, but I do admit and remember asking one person (I think from ib?) to do it for someone else in the TS room (I dont remember who). 

It wasn’t always something racist, but calling someone else in the TS room (like me) something nasty, that could get you in trouble. 

As I said I remember asking this once, there was a few of us in TS i think, and someone wanted to say something (about something) but didn’t know everyone in there, so either someone else or I said snake test. 

Having spoke about this, I completely forgot until this point, at the time I suppose I thought it was normal/acceptable.

But I think it’s worth clarifying it wasn’t my group of friends. And having seeing it from a third perspective incredibly childish.

Additionaly, im not dishonest. Or Atleast I try not to be.

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So let me get this straight... to trust someone (make sure they are not a "snake"?) you want them to say nasty things

Help me I am struggling, how does that make you trust someone?

No the idea is if somebody says something that can get them banned, in front of people then they can be trusted. With whatever the person wants to say or do. Or if they wanted to share media or something.

But as I said, I didn’t ask people to do stuff like this as I wasn’t as edgy. I said in a full TS room, as a joke if I was gonna get banned i would like to think it’s for a very montage (relaying to that video those kids did). At the time it was seen as a joke people were laughing, but I think a lot of the context has been taken out of what I or others i’ve been playing with have said. 

I think it’s important information given the way we are speaking about all this stuff:

At the end of the day VDM montages are dead, they aren’t funny and they’re just kinda pointless. I didn’t have a fascination with them, I didn’t plan on making them, it was all a joke related to the video that got that whole group banned.

and with this whole snake check, it was mostly around other groups/gangs not mine. Nobody in USEC was ever asked to do a snake test. 

I am still failing to understand.... again how can you trust someone who is willing to say something like that?

As for your video... well we were told about your plans for that in advance... thats why the member of the staff team was watching you.

I hope that debunks why you think people can be trusted for saying the Nword etc etc, Like i said most people with there head screwed on would not trust someone who would say things like that.

I wonder... Knowing what this community is about and some of the core values we have kept throughout the years... If in our shoes of keeping a clean ship are you someone you would unban ?

I do understand, someone gets reported for saying stuff like that, then is spotted passenger seating someone. It looks very bad, but I was just being a dickhead in front of a mate.

As I said to the admin who banned me, if you would ban someone else for it then ban me. Rules are rules, I broke them.

I dont want to sit here and say I changed and that it was all a mistake. However, it honestly feels like at the time I was different. Weirdly different, while some of these issues have been taken out of context they are still issues, regardless.

I tried not to blatantly break the rules for 98% of my stay but as it’s happened the 2% got me in shit, and rightly so. After I wasn’t banned I was slightly frustrated thinking I had been betrayed, snaked, etc. But being in that situation now, people asking people to make racial slurs etc, I would report it. 

And while I was guilty by association I was still guilty and apart of it. But some of this stuff is rough, and I can see how it would look to someone I haven’t had much interaction with. But I can say that I have hundreds of hours of good experiences on the server, and I believe that after a few mistakes somewhere there should be forgiveness.

Having said this, I can’t be disapointed in a denied appeal. I enjoyed hundreds of hours on this server, and part of the reason I enjoyed it, was because it is well maintained. Which means keeping negative people out of your community.

all I can say is, I don’t believe I am one of these negative people, I hope that someone can vouch for me, and mention some of the good times I had.

After full consideration and based on the notes I have from the staff team I am going to deny this appeal on this point.

Your welcome to open another appeal after 6 months from today however at this time I do not believe you are someone who will fit into this community.

Your Permanent Appeal has been denied


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