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Permanent Ban Appeal - Kougar (Unbanned)

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Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I'll first start by introducing my self - I am Tom Richardson formally known as McCree when playing on this server. I started playing at the start of 2017 and played for a good 6 months - making new friends and learning new life skills from peers who guided me. I was rising fast in the Police achieving SPC (when it was a rank) in record time and was due to be promoted to SGT very soon.

However, this all changed when I left the Police to do some undercover work to disrupt a gang who were very big, Ascension. Now in order for my leaving of the Police to look real, it had to be real. So me and DI Ponty and CI Joe (at the time) came up with a plan where I'd be discharged and then join the said gang and get "payback" as it was on the Police, knowing their strategies and tactics of how they handle situations, all of which was under strict RP rules. This happened along the timeline of about 2-3 weeks, and I was gaining ranks in the gang to where I was one of the leaders - now this gave me a lot of power and got me into the inner circle. To say the least, they were bad influences and did get me into a bit of bother. Which I will admit; I kind of liked it, from being a cop so long I sort of forgot what it was like to have fun. But anyway I fed the Police so much information about the gang which crippled them so much.

This is where the story turns around.

I recorded the gang admitting to "hopping on" servers when the Police were not expecting it - and out of RP gave this information to CI Joe, where he then passed this information on to Vladic Ka and they were all banned. I was not part of the ban as I left the gang then gave the recording to Joe. Me and the CI both worked out a deal to re-induct me back into the Police at my old rank SPC where I would be awarded for taking down the gang.

A few days prior to this moment, a snake test was conducted (a snake test is where a group of people in a TS channel say the statement "Snake test", after this has been said, everyone in the channel must say a phrase which is deemed racist or discriminating in order for the people in that channel to be satisfied that they are trusted and won't betray the group of people. It also allows dark humoured jokes to be said in private - with only that group in the channel). I said a statement which I deeply regret and wish I could take back as it ruined my ties with so many people in this community. I said "all blacks are slaves" - now the gang leaders had somehow found out that I was feeding information to the Police and when they got blanket banned, took me down with them with the recording of me saying that, which for the record had all of their phrases cut out and edited to make it seem like I was the only suspect. Leading me to be banned under the 1.2 rule. So at first Robbie banned me without coming to me and discussing the action of my ban, and not allowing me to defend my self - which he has full right of doing, however I believe he could have maybe addressed me with the situation before banning me, I then contacted Vladic Ka through the website to try and see if we could talk about my ban, so kindly he unbanned me and allowed me to discuss this with him, I tried my hardest to defend my case yet it was clearly not enough.

So after speaking to Vladic Ka about my ban he, and a few others; Aiden, Robbie and Edgar decided I was to be banned, as my last request I wanted to say goodbye to my good friends in the Police I had made over the few months I was in the community, yet denied this small courtesy so then Robbie banned me:

<22:32:57> You were banned permanently from the server by "Robbie" (1.2 14/06/2017)

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

I then accepted this ban and forgot about RPUK, to be honest - I've matured greatly over the 9 months I had to wait for the courage and for me personally the right time. I've mostly been up to my neck in college work. I'm studying Law at A-level and am on track to do really well - I feel like this has matured me as learning facts about the court and sentencing systems has really allowed me to get off lightly, in terms of the Communities' rules. I've also been playing a lot of Escape from Tarkov which is a game a greatly enjoy a play.

Why do you want to return ?

The first un-ban appeal was going very well I was on track to be unbanned and start my time in the community once again. However, right at the end of the seeming successful un-ban, it was denied due to "In light of new evidence given to Staff about this whole scenario, I am forced to ban you under the rule 1.2". - Azamai. I contacted Azamai and asked him what this new evidence was but he said it was given in confidence, which really makes me believe that someone really wanted me banned as that statement I made was the only thing I did badly in my time at RPUK. So then It was denied and I had to wait 6 months for the second un-ban appeal. I know I have not waited the extra 6 months and am aware that this appeal is only 2 months after the last denied one. But I want to return because I do truly miss the experiences I had on the server, from meeting new people, giving advice to the new people all the way to firefights and stopping a hostage from being killed. I have so, so much more to offer to the community.

Why should we unban you ?

So after my first appeal, I had now waited the required 6 months of waiting time to which I was told to do and re-wrote my second un-ban appeal. This did not go as well as the first one. Wilco, who had no idea of the situation and was clearly not open-minded towards the conditions of the prior ban, shut my appeal down as fast as he could. Which I think was totally unfair. However, he acted in the way any member of the management team should and I respect that Everyone deserves a second chance. I don't want to prove anything to anyone, all I want it to prove to myself that I've changed and I'm no longer that immature boy who got himself banned from hanging in with the wrong crowd.

I feel that the ban in the first place was totally unfair - it would never have come to light or been taken as seriously if Ascension didn't want revenge, which made this scenario a revenge report - leading to my eyes to be unjust, as the statement caused NO offence to the people who heard it originally, and cannot be taken as malicious, as in that very video you hear both members laughing at what I said.

I thank you for your time to read this.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


@Kougar how can you possibly think the ban was unfair ?

If we knew people was conducting "snake tests" let alone actually taking part in then all of those idiots would of been removed a lot sooner! Thats the kind of toxic shit that this community always has and always will not welcome and stay clear of, There shouldn't be any surprise that you are banned.

I do wonder how you expect me or any other staff member or any decent human being to be "open minded" on someone who said and i quote "all blacks are slaves"

Where was the thinking behind that .... was it really worth trying to get into a racist scummy gang like that ? Where was the report to staff about them conducting this sort of thing?

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@Wilco If you read the last paragraph of the unban appeal

"I feel that the ban in the first place was totally unfair - it would never have come to light or been taken as seriously if Ascension didn't want revenge, which made this scenario a revenge report - leading to my eyes to be unjust, as the statement caused NO offence to the people who heard it originally, and cannot be taken as malicious, as in that very video you hear both members laughing at what I said."

You can see why I thought this ban was unfair.

However, I shall I agree with you on the point of trying to join this shitty type of gang, if anything this made me want to bring them down even more. I never reported this to staff as for the simple fact of it never crossed my mind to.

I would like to bring your attention to a previous member of the community who was banned for racism. Fluqi, It was to my understanding that he has been previously banned for racism, yet it sitting in your team speak as a very high member of the Police

How come you were clearly biased towards another member of the community yet can't show the same type of fairness to others in the community?

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@Kougar I do not think your in any position to be questioning our fairness and other people's bans are you ? Unless you want to continue ?

@Wilco If anything, questioning bans is the whole point of the unban appeal process.

I do want to continue with the unban appeal and hopefully be unbanned. But it's common practise to use other case examples to prove why your case should be heard


No the permanent ban appeal process is about your ban, not other peoples appeals.

Its not common practice a tall to compare your stupid actions with another persons stupid actions, Ill come back to this in a few days seeing your interested in wasting my time and other peoples time who are waiting an answer to there appeal.

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After having again listened to the video, frankly you sounded quite proud of yourself. Repeating the phrase multiple times while laughing at it, amongst others, in order to prove you 'fit in' with this crowd of people, desperate to prove you weren't the 'Snake' you had been titled with. Given that this appeal comes at a time of the following thread: 

Given your track record and how hard we've had come down on behaviour such as yours, namely being involved with racist behaviour on our TS server and failing to forward that kind of information to the staff team, however you were rather instrumental in getting the rest of your gang banned for the hopping on rule. So why were you so willing to report that behaviour admittedly to Police Command, who then forwarded that information to staff/management but unwilling to come forward about these snake tests being conducted, until the evidence of you having participated in this behaviour was passed on. Frankly you can believe as much as you like that your ban was unfair on unjust, however at the end of they day, you know what you said and why you said it, the point still remains what you said shouldn't have happened in the first place.

You mention Wilco failing to be open-minded with your last appeal, would you not agree that spouting bigoted racist beliefs, whether that's your personal view or not, for yours and others amusement is in fact rather narrow minded and ignorant? And people willing to act in this way will probably continue to do so, as such can you see why we're naturally skeptical of you and your behaviour, even more so now given the recent events.

@CC Aiden I am sorry for the late reply, this last week, I was in real court in the benches examining civil cases as part of my A-Level Law course, and surprisingly the case we reviewed very much suited this similar situation in the terms of  "people willing to act in this way will probably continue to do so, as such can you see why we're naturally skeptical of you and your behaviour."

Defendant "X" was, 2 years ago charged with assault whilst being intoxicated, both drunk and high. Since then he has attended over 560+ days of rehab, nearly 87% of the 2 years, he respectively has turned his life around from a second chance given by the judge, who just like this management team was very sceptical if this exact behaviour would repeat it's self.

I can safely say that I have genuinely learnt from my action nearly a whole year ago and that my actions did give me the characteristics of narrowmindedness and ignorance.

Now to answer your question, at that time I did not think about reporting it, being hard to believe, slipped my mind at the time, and you pointed out I was laughing and clearly having a good time with what I thought were my friends, I'm sure there are many things people would do if they could go back and change the past - but I can't. I'd also like to point out that I accidentally recorded the Gang admitting to "hopping on" and didn't have any intention at first to get them banned until I heard it.

The fact of this whole matter is If you don't unban me, fine, if you do unban me, even better. But I would like the management team and anyone who heard the video to know that I am truly sorry and that I have changed, no matter the outcome of this appeal.

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@Kougar this is a place to have fun but it isn't a school playground, We will not have that sort of behaviour here ever and as per my thread the other week there is now a zero tolerance surrounding it.

I will give you another chance however if you are caught up in any toxic childish behaviour going forward you will be banned and there won't be any future appeals.

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