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Permanent Ban Appeal - khalifa_unban1

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Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I got banned because I sat in a teamspeak when people said they were gonna ddos rpuk, I wasnt really listening, but I heard about the ddos. did not report it to any of the management. I do regret it now when I think back at it, It was childish and stupid of everyone. I wasn't really listening of what they where saying or on all that bs they where talking about. But I did know what they wanted to do to RPUK and with the ddsoing and all that, and yet I did not report anything which I regret.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

As I said in my other Appeal i've been in the military for some months and it ended 10 may. After the military I havn''t done much because my internet have been down for about 6-7 months so I have not been able to use my stationary computer at all. Got my internet back like 2 weeks ago and for these 2 weeks i've only played Wow Classic.
Also been working as an assistant nurse now the whole summer untill now. So yeah not playing any computer games, or well I did try some on my laptop but did not work out so well because that shit is from like 2005..

Why do you want to return ?

As is previously said, no other server really fits me and thats how its always been, rpuk has been my main since I installed arma, got about 3k hours on Arma and almost all of them are on RPUK. Been banned for about 8-10 months i think and I do miss this community and the fun i've had and also all the good people i've met. I would love to get back to all this, just to enjoy every damn hour of a game, as i said I have about 3k hours and rpuk and i've enjoyed every single hour, even if its been just sitting in a gas station staring at a wall and just doing nothing. basically I just miss everything about this community.

Not really changeing anything on this point because this is how I still feel. Wanna come back and meet all the new people and just take it chill when im not working.

Why should we unban you ?

First of all, I don't have any contact with anyone of the people who wanted to ddos rpuk, this is still the same.
I do not really remember what happend anymore now all I can do is to look back at my other appeal and try to remember. I do remember that all I was doing was sitting in the teamspeak just minding my own business.. I don't agree with all the people who do stupid shit when they get 1.6d, If you look at my record im pretty sure i've not said or done anything bad by myself.. the ddos thing was just me getting stuck in the crossfire. Feel like you should unban me and give me a chance, I mean its been 8 months or so, im still that friendly guy.

''Oh no, you are very much mistaken... There is no coming back.'' Don't think this is fair. Im really not that guy you seeme to think I am.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


I got banned because I sat in a teamspeak when people said they were gonna ddos rpuk
Yeah... that was the trigger of the 1.6, but seeing you have been involved in blanket bans before,and have a ton of notes on your account it was the last straw.

Your also seen around drama or people chucking toys out of there little prams... Why is that ?

If you look at my record im pretty sure i've not said or done anything bad by myself
Your notes:

Threats of DDOS by Kenny on former members for "snaking" Khalfia is currently sat in the same teamspeak why they troll the forums, there was also an incident the other night while they was trolling a RPUK stream when confronted Khalfia admitted to being part of it.

Has sent a message this evening to a member accusing them of "snaking"
Snaking... seriously what are you 10 or 11 this year ? You really want other members to feel uncomfortable here with this generic boring bollocks.

In terms of you not being that guy we think you are.... We make our decision based on your actions and seeing you have a pretty full set of notes I would say you felt you was bigger than this community... above the rules and you didn't like it when people reported things... and rightly so good for them!

eah... that was the trigger of the 1.6, but seeing you have been involved in blanket bans before,and have a ton of notes on your account it was the last straw.

Your also seen around drama or people chucking toys out of there little prams... Why is that ?
i've been in one blanket ban before this one. That was when I joined KET for 1 or 2 restarts and then logged off. They all got blanketed later because of the ''wedding'' thing if im not wrong. And so did I as I obviously was in the gang.. Did get unbanned quick because you guys realised I did not really play with them for any long.

Me being around those people is becuase thats the people I started this server with, And I don't stand for their decisions and what they want to do here on RPUK , im trying to stay as clean as possible. My notes and bans is because I play the game and not writing or doing stupid shit like racism bullying or anything in that form. Many of the people I played with before are not here anymore. 

And about the snakeing thing.. I don't really know what to say about that, it is a childish thing to call someone don't know why I did it. its in the past now and can't really change that, and I do hope that the ''Member'' didn't get offended by it. 

And when I admitted what I've done all I said was that I sat in the teamspeak and just talking to them and never reported it to anyone of the staffteam. I never ddossed or trolled anyone or anything. I did even tell the fellas who was trolling that the would regret it later.. And here we are.

@khalifa_unban1 KET... and Bikini Bottom, Do not kid yourself if you didn't think they were close to a blanket ban, That's why they were disbanded very quickly

There's also other notes, petty things, mainly you opening your mouth

Also "i thought you left" because the grass was greener somewhere else ? You kept leaving so why do you now want to return ?

@khalifa_unban1 KET... and Bikini Bottom, Do not kid yourself if you didn't think they were close to a blanket ban, That's why they were disbanded very quickly

There's also other notes, petty things, mainly you opening your mouth

Also "i thought you left" because the grass was greener somewhere else ? You kept leaving so why do you now want to return ?
Oh yes ofc bikini bottom..sorry I didnt mention that.

I guess I hoped around servers for a little while because I my friends wanted to try it out. After so many months on RPUK i wanted to try something new aswell. Don't know how many times I have said this but Rpuk is the best server and the one I enjoy the most thats why I keep coming back after all these times. 

@khalifa_unban1 Funny that... maybe because its the only actual Roleplay server, not one ran by clueless idiots just trying to please toxic kids

You will get your clean slate, but do not be fooled... act like you have in the past then it wont be long before you have exhausted that new ban system... I suggest with a new start not involving yourself with certain types of people, There are still permanent bans here and failure to report things in the future would be foolish! very foolish especially when people are talking about breaking the law.

Use your original forum account going forward

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please be advised it is extremely rare for us to unban a second permanent appeal so please be careful going forward!

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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