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dont remember anymore something along with kennedy I guess?
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Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I think failrp it was. Something with the gang I was in we got a gangstrike because of my failrp I got told by deleter I believe because I executed someone without any rp in a active gunfight? but in a active gunfight you dont have to rp execution am I right or wrong? (they told me the answer but I think I forgot cuz I dont remember anymore it was 10 months ago lol) but yeah and then apparently we were all day fragging people/cops. Tbh it wasnt even my fault the kid I executed without rp rdm'ed my friend so we get into a gunfight and when I try to execute him deleter pops out but when the kid rdm's he doesnt and he was there the whole time he says. and then a situation before that with cops we initiate on cops tires and shoot and stuff so we get into a gunfight and only because the gunfight lasted long and we drove around and killed cops (called decamping) was seen as baiting out and making the fight longer and stuff. I dont know man what is up with this but thats what I have been told and it was seen as failrp so we got a gangstrike then later on I decided to disbanned the gang but it was seen as that I could get away of the failrp warning and they said if I get 1 more warning I would get permed and they disbanned it but because the failrp was aimed at me I still got the ban.
What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?
Just working, done with school. Started my own car renthal company with Kenny bought 2 nice toys like C63 and a Audi RS3 thats it.
Why do you want to return ?
Have been here a long time and would like to last it for another long time so I hope this ban wouldnt stop me from doing so. I would like to start playing rpuk again and have fun like the old times, reunite with some old friends that are still here and just do what I do roleplay and have fun.
Why should we unban you ?
Well.. You know, I have been a long member of this community and always been here everyday since I joined. Didnt want to leave this community to this day still, but things went wrong and I left on good terms atleast. I think Im a good member of this community as I havent really caused issues as many of the people do when they get banned. Like the ''toxic'' people. I dont know if you guys see me as a toxic person as I have been around with some of them for a bit, but tbh that doesnt change me at all as a person. I obviously got more of a adult person now and got my own business and stuff so I guess I could say Im changed?
Please confirm this unban request is for you.
I have read and understand the unban appeal process
Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.
I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.
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dont remember anymore something along with kennedy I guess?
Steam ID
Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I think failrp it was. Something with the gang I was in we got a gangstrike because of my failrp I got told by deleter I believe because I executed someone without any rp in a active gunfight? but in a active gunfight you dont have to rp execution am I right or wrong? (they told me the answer but I think I forgot cuz I dont remember anymore it was 10 months ago lol) but yeah and then apparently we were all day fragging people/cops. Tbh it wasnt even my fault the kid I executed without rp rdm'ed my friend so we get into a gunfight and when I try to execute him deleter pops out but when the kid rdm's he doesnt and he was there the whole time he says. and then a situation before that with cops we initiate on cops tires and shoot and stuff so we get into a gunfight and only because the gunfight lasted long and we drove around and killed cops (called decamping) was seen as baiting out and making the fight longer and stuff. I dont know man what is up with this but thats what I have been told and it was seen as failrp so we got a gangstrike then later on I decided to disbanned the gang but it was seen as that I could get away of the failrp warning and they said if I get 1 more warning I would get permed and they disbanned it but because the failrp was aimed at me I still got the ban.
What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?
Just working, done with school. Started my own car renthal company with Kenny bought 2 nice toys like C63 and a Audi RS3 thats it.
Why do you want to return ?
Have been here a long time and would like to last it for another long time so I hope this ban wouldnt stop me from doing so. I would like to start playing rpuk again and have fun like the old times, reunite with some old friends that are still here and just do what I do roleplay and have fun.
Why should we unban you ?
Well.. You know, I have been a long member of this community and always been here everyday since I joined. Didnt want to leave this community to this day still, but things went wrong and I left on good terms atleast. I think Im a good member of this community as I havent really caused issues as many of the people do when they get banned. Like the ''toxic'' people. I dont know if you guys see me as a toxic person as I have been around with some of them for a bit, but tbh that doesnt change me at all as a person. I obviously got more of a adult person now and got my own business and stuff so I guess I could say Im changed?
Please confirm this unban request is for you.
I have read and understand the unban appeal process
Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.
I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.
Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here