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Permanent Ban Appeal - Jumper - Unban 3

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In-game Name

PC Jumper

Steam ID


Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I was banned due to being an admin on a server in which members had acted volatilely against this server.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

Life, education, reading, sports, had serious exams, all that stuff.

Why do you want to return ?

A lot of my mates are still here. I don't really game anymore - I play here and there but I find it a little boring for the last year. I do however want to come back to the teamspeak just to have a laugh with old mates. I might see if I enjoy playing on the server again, if so I wouldn't mind roleplaying and all that, as I do look back on my time RPing here quite fondly. For now, my only desire is to talk to old friends on teamspeak.

Why should we unban you ?

Firstly, I did make three previous unban appeals. This is actually my fourth, despite my name. I made one not long ago and deleted it mainly down to the fact that I knew I wasn't going to get unbanned. I didn't see a point in wasting my time and staff time. However, with other members of the same community being unbanned, I figure I should now stand a chance, since I wasn't really involved in the bad things that were done against RPUK. I aim to be as honest as possible here to allow for as little timewasting as possible, as my previous unbans have probably already timewasted a bit.

Secondly, I will now explain my role on the server I went to. It began when RPUK was recruiting for staff. I remember it quite vividly. I knew I wanted to be a staff member very badly, but I also remember being quite energetic and immature. I knew there was no chance in hell I would be picked, among much older and much more mature candidates. I heard of the new server being made and I decided to go there and see if I could experience a staff role. I did so, beginning by helping with the teamspeak server. I got it up and running which was easy enough and became an admin, shortly after, head admin. I didn't fully understand what was going on between the communities. I knew there was some negativity, I never really cared much however. My focus was on being an admin, which I actually quite enjoyed to be honest. I enjoyed the responsibility - I became more mature as a result. I enjoyed the trust that was placed in me by members of the server, which wasn't many by the way. Regardless, after a while, the server began to fall off. By this point, certain members had done some things that I was aware of but had no part in. There were also other things that were done BEFORE my time there, so I had no knowledge of it. I never condoned any memes/insults about members of management of this server. A dev here can reassure you (as I told him at the time) that I was swiftly deleting and monitoring those who were talking about you. I never tolerated it as I didn't have any reason to be hostile towards anyone here.

Why should you unban me? Firstly, I was a member of the police and I spent time helping people within it (such as with flying, I taught many current and past NPAS members in my spare time), I spent time within RTU as a trainer, I spent time in NCA (not long). I was never a rebel or UNMC, I spent my whole duration here as police. I thoroughly enjoyed it to be honest. I've searched elsewhere for a similar experience, to no avail. I enjoy the whole setup and operation of this server. I was always a quality roleplayer, I don't think I have any record for poor rp?

I am much more mature now. I am now 18 years old, I am going to university soon (hopefully) and I do not want to disturb the peace. I just want to talk to friends. That's my only desire. I seek no more at this point. I understand what happened may have annoyed you or disrupted the peace that existed here, but my only part on the server was as an admin. I was not malicious and I never was. I don't intend to be either. I am respectful and have always been mindful of the rules. I would be happy to begin playing again if I enjoy it, and I could for definite add to the roleplay on this server. I know many here, many can vouch for me, I never broke rules and was always a decent person (I hope people see me that way).

Thanks for reading this (again). I do want to put all this behind me and move on, I hope we can find common ground there. What happened shouldn't have, that we agree on, I can assure you that it won't happen again.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


This is one of those appeals where it sounds like you don't even want to be unbanned or return to the server.

Your Permanent Appeal has been denied


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