In-game Name
Depression or Miyukii Izaya (Not sure)
Steam ID
Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.
(Was in DM with management)
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I don't remember much of it, due to what happened and it being a while ago. I've been depressed and suicidal for a long time, some irl people know and don't want to bother anyone else with it, with this community or irl and just want to clear it out straight away, prefer not to talk about it. I'll be fine I'm sure. (Still prefer this to not be on public forum but if its needed for my unban its fine, I asked Wilco if I can do it in DM again but didn't respond after a week, I'm sure hes busy with other stuff and I understand that)
I think it was late in the evening, was really depressed that week, I was in TS and calling with my friend in discord. Was muted in discord/ts and because of how I was feeling I overdosed, after taking about 20x of what I should of been taking I searched up how long it would take to feel something of the OD, its 24 hours. I was confused but I didn't know what to think of it, decided to go back to my pc and play some games so went back to discord call with my friend. After about 10 minutes I started throwing up/couldn't breath ect/really hot ect. I panicked a lot, wasn't prepared for it,(Looking back at it it made sense that it happend so fast because I took 20x as much, and what I searched up was probably like 2/3x as much) was in call and in a LoL game, ts and was honestly really fucking scared. I was also still in ts and I think I was talking to McCalvie and Scott from Ground Branch. I think they told me after the situation that they kinda knew what was going on before hand and already knew I was depressed because of how I acted. I think I messaged someone from Head Staff or they did, don't remember, I was talking with head staff in teamspeak for a while, no clue what happened, after that an ambulance picked me up from home and was in the ICU at the hospital for 3 days. I also messaged Staff management the previous appeal I also said/asking something impossible, it was stupid to ask, immature and really regret it and want to say sorry for stating something like that in the first place.
What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?
I completely stopped school when I was still 17 and went to Therapy, living group (with therapy) twice (Left really early both times) more therapy and overal just had a lot of mental help. Tried to get into school/work but the company from my therapy thing/my parents didn't allow it after I put a lot of time/effort into it. (We made a deal with a person called ''Leerplicht'' dont know the english word of it for the person but directly translated to compulsory education, If not getting mental help it was playing other games.
Why do you want to return ?
I miss the server a lot, I have a lot of friends still playing on the server and honestly just miss socializing on it, making new friends from gangs, the entire experience how stuff goes is just a lot of fun. Been thinking about RPUK a lot since the day I was banned(Seriously) and hope I can just play again with friends.
Why should we unban you ?
The ban was also to ensure safety as a community as a whole. With all the mental help I've been getting I've been doing a lot better lately to the point where I'm not really a danger to myself or others, not that I ever wanted to danger others or tried? (I dont think I ever did or did anything close to that atleast?) I think that the reason for my ban, isn't something that bad anymore. Even tho its not been that long, I still learned a lot from the stuff I did, also from the DM message when I was banned, I didn't know what to say because I never tried to say it to anyone like that before. I know how to handle stuff like that/my depression/thoughts better now too.
(It was a year ban, not 6 months but 6 months have passed now and on mass unban it says:
I am still banned / My Forum account is banned
If you find you are still banned then you can appeal as per normal, If you show that you have full understanding of the rules you broke and can go into a bit of detail why such a thing would not happen again we might judge that you can now return.
I dont know if it counts for 1.6 people too since it doesn't state it anywhere I think?
Please confirm this unban request is for you.
I have read and understand the unban appeal process
Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.
I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.
Yes (Not year tho)
Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here
Depression or Miyukii Izaya (Not sure)
Steam ID
Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.
(Was in DM with management)
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I don't remember much of it, due to what happened and it being a while ago. I've been depressed and suicidal for a long time, some irl people know and don't want to bother anyone else with it, with this community or irl and just want to clear it out straight away, prefer not to talk about it. I'll be fine I'm sure. (Still prefer this to not be on public forum but if its needed for my unban its fine, I asked Wilco if I can do it in DM again but didn't respond after a week, I'm sure hes busy with other stuff and I understand that)
I think it was late in the evening, was really depressed that week, I was in TS and calling with my friend in discord. Was muted in discord/ts and because of how I was feeling I overdosed, after taking about 20x of what I should of been taking I searched up how long it would take to feel something of the OD, its 24 hours. I was confused but I didn't know what to think of it, decided to go back to my pc and play some games so went back to discord call with my friend. After about 10 minutes I started throwing up/couldn't breath ect/really hot ect. I panicked a lot, wasn't prepared for it,(Looking back at it it made sense that it happend so fast because I took 20x as much, and what I searched up was probably like 2/3x as much) was in call and in a LoL game, ts and was honestly really fucking scared. I was also still in ts and I think I was talking to McCalvie and Scott from Ground Branch. I think they told me after the situation that they kinda knew what was going on before hand and already knew I was depressed because of how I acted. I think I messaged someone from Head Staff or they did, don't remember, I was talking with head staff in teamspeak for a while, no clue what happened, after that an ambulance picked me up from home and was in the ICU at the hospital for 3 days. I also messaged Staff management the previous appeal I also said/asking something impossible, it was stupid to ask, immature and really regret it and want to say sorry for stating something like that in the first place.
What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?
I completely stopped school when I was still 17 and went to Therapy, living group (with therapy) twice (Left really early both times) more therapy and overal just had a lot of mental help. Tried to get into school/work but the company from my therapy thing/my parents didn't allow it after I put a lot of time/effort into it. (We made a deal with a person called ''Leerplicht'' dont know the english word of it for the person but directly translated to compulsory education, If not getting mental help it was playing other games.
Why do you want to return ?
I miss the server a lot, I have a lot of friends still playing on the server and honestly just miss socializing on it, making new friends from gangs, the entire experience how stuff goes is just a lot of fun. Been thinking about RPUK a lot since the day I was banned(Seriously) and hope I can just play again with friends.
Why should we unban you ?
The ban was also to ensure safety as a community as a whole. With all the mental help I've been getting I've been doing a lot better lately to the point where I'm not really a danger to myself or others, not that I ever wanted to danger others or tried? (I dont think I ever did or did anything close to that atleast?) I think that the reason for my ban, isn't something that bad anymore. Even tho its not been that long, I still learned a lot from the stuff I did, also from the DM message when I was banned, I didn't know what to say because I never tried to say it to anyone like that before. I know how to handle stuff like that/my depression/thoughts better now too.
(It was a year ban, not 6 months but 6 months have passed now and on mass unban it says:
I am still banned / My Forum account is banned
If you find you are still banned then you can appeal as per normal, If you show that you have full understanding of the rules you broke and can go into a bit of detail why such a thing would not happen again we might judge that you can now return.
I dont know if it counts for 1.6 people too since it doesn't state it anywhere I think?
Please confirm this unban request is for you.
I have read and understand the unban appeal process
Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.
I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.
Yes (Not year tho)
Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here
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