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Permanent Ban Appeal - HasanCarstein_unban

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In-game Name

Hasan Carstein

Steam ID


Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

Im not fully sure why i did get banned. But i presume bc some people went on a mass rdm where i also got killed and i jumped in to the ts to ask the guy why he shot me.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

Hasnt been 6 months yet

Why do you want to return ?

Well I have been on this community for 2.5 years now. i think its a waste to go out this way (being banned) I like to still come on the server and fuck around with some mates. I do like the community even though arma is getting old now and its not as good as it used to be. i still wanna just when i wanna have fun play on here with my friends.

Why should we unban you ?

If im correct about the thing i got banned for i think. it was a accident i did not know that they where doing a mass rdm. and i got killed in it myself. i was just playing with papasmurf at the time of the rdm. I also dont see myself as being a big pain in the ass on the server then again cant really judge myself on that point of view. i know its not a big appeal but like stated above i dont really know what i got banned for.
im happy to anwser questions.
(im really foreign so my english is pretty bad pls no judge)

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


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A toxic teamspeak server where people go on a mass RDM because someone got banned for being very racist.

It may have been funny at the time not funny now is it ? I do not believe for a second you was only there to see why someone shot you!

Then you do an unban appeal then all of a sudden UK-JC steam ID: 76561198129619870 is here being racist in your appeal (Post now hidden)

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Hello Wilco.

So lets start off with this part.

Then you do an unban appeal then all of a sudden UK-JC steam ID: 76561198129619870 is here being racist in your appeal (Post now hidden)
As you say yourself The post is hidden. so tbh i have no clue what was said and what he said and i had no involvement with that. bc why would i think its funny to let someone post something racist on my unban appeal as the reason i put one in is to be unbanned would not make my chances any higher to become infact unbanned.

I do not believe for a second you was only there to see why someone shot you!
In the end its your choice to belive me or not if i did join the ts that day for that reason or not iam gonna tell you the story in more detail if that helps conficing you.

So what happend . the Nights watch got banned i was afraid if i was getting banned as i played that day with them my first and also last time.

After everyone got banned. and i didnt i knew i didnt do anything wrong and started hearing why they got banned in the first place.

Then i started playing with PapaSmurf and drex. we where in the pleb channel. me and smurf noticed that poseidon did an HM and left with the trucks and the cops left as well so we went to check if the safe was open (what is was) we went to take all the remaining gold as it just re spawned. the first time went a full success you can check i think i made like 4/5 mil or something. so i bought a van bc that was faster to go back and pick up more gold as it was gonna re-spawn again in like 10 min. then drex died but he didn't say anything. on the main road so i drove there. and started getting shot at. so i muted up. and jumped out of the car and started asking why they where shooting me. as i was unarmed. then they killed me. then i see in the chat that i knew the guy who did it ( i dont know if you want me to give names to give some kind of credit to the people who did it)  so i joined the other ts and saw the guy in there. i asked him mate why did you just shoot me what are you doing. and he said that he was doing a mass rdm. so i asked him  why. and he said something in the likes of bc i can. at the time i was a bit upset bc i didn't have alot of money and he kinda fucked me from making more. so i called him an idiot and left the ts again. then they got banned and i got revived and then i went off. and play siege with my irl mates and then i got banned.

i know its along story but i dont see what you want me to write otherwise. Like is said in the beginning its your choice to believe me or not.

I hoped this detailed story of the event helped

Hasan ( again im foreign pls no judge ;p)

I am really not convinced to be honest, I think its the end of the road.

Your Permanent Appeal has been denied


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