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Permanent Ban Appeal - HamsterGaming

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Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I know what I got banned for, I don't think, I know that I got banned for absolutely nothing, an admin thought we were hacking, I said "No were not hacking, I was recording everything and I will send everything I recorded in that one situation that you thought I was hacking in" 2 minutes later the admin dissapears without saying anything, unrestrains us after I couldn't show him the video, so I just finished rendering the video and was gonna try to find the same admin on teamspeak and I'm pretty sure I even sent him the video on teamspeak, but then turns out he just banned me anyway and my friend for "Script kiddie" I still have that footage to this day because I know I was wrongfully banned and I'm not getting unbanned because of my previous vac bans that 2 of those don't even relate to hacking, only skin changing software.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

I've been playing rust and playing Arma 3 as well.

Why do you want to return ?

Because this used to be one of the servers I enjoyed playing on a lot with my friend and this is the only server where roleplay is pretty strict and that's fun.

Why should we unban you ?

Because I literally didn't do anything at all and I had proof that the admin just didn't want to check out and I'm just being judged by my vac bans on my account. And it's basically been almost a year since I've been banned for nothing at all.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


Do you honestly think our staff team sits here and bans people for nothing ? 

I don't even wanna be rude but I literally got banned for nothing, I thought we were taking shots after killing a cop then it turns out it was an Admin that tp'd to us exactly when we started running and he was in vanish, so he thought we were esping. So I said I am willing to show my recordings but I couldn't get it to him.

You have declined my previous unban appeals and I am pretty sure you have seen the video. And even if I was hacking, they anti cheat they use is battleye and I got banned on the server around a year ago, I have like 1,4k hours. I would be game banned by now if I was using any external programs for my advantage. And bringing my vac bans and game ban into this situation wouldn't even show anything that I'm hacking in Arma, they are literally from 2 years ago, the game ban is from 5 years ago. Wouldn't you think that I would probably have more vac bans if I was such a blatant hacker in games? Hacks are not undetected, not in any way, out of anyone I should know that since I have vac and a game ban myself when I tried to use "Undetected hacks". But one of the Vac bans is not even from a hack, just a program that lets you change your ingame skins, a CSGO skin changer. If I can get banned for a skin changer I know for sure I will get banned by using any types of hacks. I'm not stupid enough to hack in a game that uses battleye.

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Well when the admin turned up they were called because you were mass RDM'ing without any roleplay, That to start with is a ban

Here are the notes with a supplied video:

Banned on Suspicion. Was contacted by a few police officers regarding this guy and his friend and claimed they were mass rdm'ing and might have been cheating due to how he managed to appearently one tap both of them with a rook. As I went to spectate them, they appeared the be able to see me whilst I was invisible spectating and they seemed to be alarmed by my presence hiding behind cover and looking in the direction that I was sitting invisible in.

I eventually decided to teleport behind them to see what they'd do and they immidiately moved out of cover once I dissappeared and then when one of them turned around he seemed alarmed and started peeking behind the wall in the direction where i'd tp'd too and looked directly at where I was. After they realised I was invisible they got in their car and drove off, I decided to confront them and they persisted that they were innocent and had a "Video to prove it"

Whilst he claimed to upload the video and said he had it uploaded he just needed to upgrade his teamspeak security level but whilst i'd let him go and I waited for him to come on teamspeak a hacker started causing havoc on the server which prompted me to ban both of these guys. I later found out that it was someone else blowing everyone up but was still heavily suspicious of these guys, after waiting for a few hours they never came on teamspeak to provide the video they claimed to have.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5pIPHURJp4&feature=youtu.be Video provided by CST Saccar where he was randomly shot by Gabriel whilst on medic duty and the way he was killed looks extremely suspicious as if aim hacks were used.

Ontop of all of that both of them have several vac bans/steam game bans on record.
Based on what the admin viewed, your non roleplay and your existing vac bans its not worth the risk, we havent got the man power to spectate you every moment your on the server and thats the suspsion you will now bring and not only if your cheating if your here to roleplay or not.

Your Permanent Appeal has been denied


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