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Permanent Ban Appeal - HaarryUnbanV2

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Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

1.6 community ban. I was banned for a group of situations that I was involved with in one way or another that were harmful to this community and so I was removed to prevent this from repeating. I will explain the scenarios in detail below:

Generally being a part of Bikini Bottom: I joined bikini bottom at the same time that they had all left the police, I already knew a couple of them, so I decided to play with the gang for an evening. I enjoyed playing in the gang and I was asked if I wanted to join by the leaders, and I agreed although I had no intention to join them before. After about a week I began to notice certain members being toxic and giving poor rp with a poor in-game attitude. I still held myself to a good standard of RP however I failed to report any toxicity. Towards the end of Bikini Bottom, I talked to staff a few times when asking for me and another member to help try and keep the gang from getting worse, I was also told a few of us would be better off making our own gang without some of the more toxic players (the bikini bottom leaders mainly). I didn’t listen to staff’s advice and now realise that if I had, maybe I wouldn’t need to be writing this appeal. About a week after my chat with staff Bikini Bottom received its blanket ban warning, unfortunately in response to this the leaders decided to disband the gang to avoid punishment, and this led to warnings for poor rp being given out to all current members.

Being a part of a new toxic racist community: Shortly after Bikini Bottom disbanded, I was asked to take a position in the medics of a new community by a friend I had known from my old gang exposure quite a while ago. I accepted but very quickly realised it was jus the same group of people. The server and teamspeak both contained large amounts of stolen RPUK stuff. I never stole or copied anything from RPUK and I never would do that. Members of bikini bottom and now this new server begun making racist videos that i was not involved in 1 bit and find the videos disgusting and childish. Soon after this I left the community as i do not wish to be associated with any of the racist trolls there.

Teamspeak Trolling/Impersonation: On the 23rd or 24th December. Mell0 went on the RPUK teamspeak posing as Seth and began jumping around channels and messaging people to get given seth’s teamspeak tags. Me and LewisG were in a channel with him on another teamspeak server and he told us both to come into the RPUK teamspeak and troll with him. We both joined the lobby and I chose to not troll and stayed in the lobby. I did however change my name to S E T H, this was very immature of me and I want to apologise to Seth, and the staff team that had to waste time banning me (I also want to add that although I understand how bad this looked I considered Seth a friend at the time, I played with him a few days before the incident for a few hours convincing the officers that I was james bond and it got to the point that I was patrolling around with them, so I had zero malicious intentions). After this situation I completely removed myself from everyone I used to play with and played other games and gamemodes mainly with IRL mates.

That is why I believe I have been banned, if there are any other reasons I have not left them out intentionally and will explain fully.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

It has not yet been six months, Since I was banned I have slowly stopped playing pc games as much and am focusing on my real life a bit more. I have only really been playing pc games with IRL friends. I did try to play on another server but after a few days I realised it was not for me. I still have friends on rpuk and honestly, I am missing the community.

Why do you want to return ?

I have been a member of the community from over a year and have loved almost every second of it, it beats all of the other servers out there easily simply because of how great the community is and I was proud to feel like I was a part of that. I have some friends still on rpuk and would love to be able to play with them again, for some people rpuk was the only way I would communicate with them and I would love to be able to do this again. I want to be able to have a fresh start in the community, I would like to maybe join a faction and work my way up the ranks, proving to the community, staff team and myself that I do belong in this community.

Why should we unban you ?

Firstly, I truly believe that before I got involved with the group of toxic banned members I was an asset to the community. I always made sure my roleplay was of the highest quality no matter the situation or how I was feeling and was very happy with the way I conducted myself in-game. I also believe that I surrounded myself with other people that were good for the community, unfortunately I slowly began to get more and more involved with people who wouldn’t be considered anywhere close to ‘good’ and I am extremely disappointed for allowing myself to do this. I want to give a huge apology to anyone who I have affected with my stupid actions, the staff team for wasting their own personal time having to watch what I was doing and ban me, and now having to deal with my appeal and I am grateful that you are doing this. If I were to be unbanned I would keep my reputation squeaky clean and not even consider any action that would cause any amount of harm to the community, or anyone in it.

I believe that my history on rpuk would be considered good up until the end, I was not involved with any toxicity until the end. I began playing in late 2017 and joined the original IB, a few people in that gang have now chosen the wrong path but I believe at the time the gang was good at keeping RP quality high and rulebreaking to a minimum. After IB disbanded I quickly joined Strix’s new gang called The lost brotherhood. This gang was extremely RP focused but unfortunately didn’t last very long due to a lot of us taking breaks from arma. After I came back from my break, me and some friends made a new gang called Exposure, we roleplayed as British operatives who turned to help the Russians after capture. I kept a high quality of members in the gang and with a good balance of roleplay and gunfights I would say that Exposure was probably my favourite time I ever had on rpuk. After Exposure When strix came back to Arma, me strix and a few others remade IB, I was second in command for most of this and was very happy with how things were going, unfortunately many members began leaving and eventually I did too. I joined Aconitum, which could have been the start of my downward-spiral. It was not a toxic gang but leaned towards gunfights over RP, it didn’t last long so I joined vanity. Vanity was a good gang to be a part of, with some long-standing members of the community that kept their standards high at the time and I enjoyed the RP much more than the constant gunfights of aconitum. After this I had a short run in the Poseidon cartel which ended up in a blacklist for playing rebel multiple times, the first was the initial evening with bikini bottom, and that leads me to now.

To avoid ever getting myself in a similar situation again I will be much more careful with who I play and associate myself with. And if I ever sense any sort of toxicity from anyone I will immediately fully report it to the staff team. This is my first ban on rpuk (apart from a mistaken ban a while ago, but I was quickly unbanned) and I hope it will be my only one. It has acted as a wakeup call, that I should choose my friends more carefully and act more maturely myself.

I am asking for a final chance to show that I belong in this community as I truly believe I do have a place here and I want to make a final apology to anyone affected by my stupid actions in any way: I am sorry that I have harmed you experience, and I assure you that it wont happen again.
And also the staff team for wasting time on me, and giving me valuable advice that I ignored for the sake of some toxic individuals. If given the chance, you will never have to waste a second on me, and any help you give me I will follow fully.

Thank you very much for reading my appeal, Haarry

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


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Rather than waiting 6 months, you have messaged 2 members of staff who have told you to wait and yet here is your unban appeal.

I mean I don't understand why you won't follow what they said... yet you followed the racist Mell0 like a little sheep... but then again looking at a ban you got elsewhere your racist yourself.

You knew what you were doing... you knew you would never be in a position here or anywhere else and when you were offered it you went running regardless of what they were doing.

Why should others wait 6 months but you have an appeal considered?

Hi Wilco,

you have messaged 2 members of staff who have told you to wait and yet here is your unban appeal.
I have messaged staff since i was banned with some questions about my appeal and I was told to wait, they did not tell me to wait the full six months but i understand that it seems like i was ignoring them. I have put in my appeal now as i am missing RPUK a lot and want to return. I apologise for putting in my appeal now however RPUK means a great deal to me so i have given it a try. 

I mean I don't understand why you won't follow what they said... yet you followed the racist Mell0 like a little sheep
I am unsure why i followed mell0, I knew that he was toxic and childish however i still followed him and i am immensely disappointed in myself for even being in that teamspeak channel with him. I thought i had matured but following mell0 was clearly me being immature, since the situations i have been thinking very carefully before i do anything on the internet to avoid similar scenarios. After the situation i removed myself from everyone involved and have not spoken to any of them since my initial ban.

a ban you got elsewhere your racist yourself.
I did get banned for being racist on another community quite some time before the ban, I did this as i didn't see myself ever playing that server. I understand now that this was an extremely immature and stupid thing for me to do, I am not a racist person and i would never think about that kind of behaviour ever again, anywhere on the internet. I am truly sorry for saying those disgusting things and apart from the more recent incident i have never conducted myself like that on the internet since and will never do it again.

 You knew what you were doing... you knew you would never be in a position here or anywhere else and when you were offered it you went running regardless of what they were doing.
I went to the community to be a part of something that could become a server that wasn't just another roleplay server without the roleplay, I very quickly realised that the server was going nowhere and if it did take off, it would be possibly the worst out there and i also quickly noticed the stolen RPUK content. I removed myself from the community as quickly as i ran to it the moment i knew what was happening there. I did not join the server as a 'replacement' for RPUK as i knew that i wanted to come back and apologise immediately.

 Why should others wait 6 months but you have an appeal considered?
I don't believe i deserve a chance more than anyone else, but i do believe i deserve that 1 final chance that i am asking for. This community is the best out there and i am not just saying that, the people here are great and although occasionally there are the few who try to ruin it, they are quickly shown the door, so the reason i believe my appeal should be considered is because of how much this community means for me and also because i believe with a final chance i could prove myself as an asset to the community.

Thanks, Haarry

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I think you were there long enough tbh, Any sensible normal person wouldn't have even thought about getting involved let alone staying there for as long as you did.

This whole I joined and stayed in the lobby thing isn't holding as well, You approached sciencefreak pretending to be @S E T H to gain Police tags, once you got them you decided to muck around by adding and removing tags from people, but of course you failed to mention that.

If this community meant so much you would not have got involved with that, and you would not also be hanging around with the bunch you do now over on the pretend community.

What's your excuse for wasting my time?

I think you were there long enough tbh, Any sensible normal person wouldn't have even thought about getting involved let alone staying there for as long as you did.
I agree that I might’ve been there for too long and it was a complete lapse of judgment on my part, I Believe I joined the new community around the date I was banned and removed myself before January, within a week. This was more than enough time to realise what was going on there and I am sorry that I was slow to leave, I am also sorry that I got involved in the first place and perhaps my biggest lapse of judgment was getting involved with these people in the first place, well before the new community was started. I assure you that after I realised what the community was doing I left immediately and didn’t return.

This whole I joined and stayed in the lobby thing isn't holding as well, You approached sciencefreak pretending to be @S E T H to gain Police tags, once you got them you decided to muck around by adding and removing tags from people, but of course you failed to mention that.
My story was completely true, The person getting tags from sciencefreak and trolled other members was mell0, I am not sure how to prove this but when Nalurah asked me about it in a discord conversation on the 24th just after the ban, I told her that it was mell0 (I can provide a screenshot of this conversation tomorow if needed). Also I considered Seth a friend at the time, he helped to convince me to join the police a few days before the incident, so I would have no reason to attempt to harm him or his reputation in any way. I changed my name to Seth and I understand that is one of the reasons why I was banned and I know it is more than justified, however I did not ask anyone for tags, or leave the lobby with this name. (Sorry that this looks odd, I had to copy it to move the paragraph as the formatting is buggy on my phone)

If this community meant so much you would not have got involved with that, and you would not also be hanging around with the bunch you do now over on the pretend community.
I do not lie when I say how much this community means to me, I have spent countless hours on the servers, forum and talking to friends on the teamspeak, for the time I was playing here it became a large part of my life and I am missing it a lot. I had a huge lapse in judgment when getting involved with it and I understand the consequences, at the time I was not aware of the extent that these individuals were going to in attempt to harm and bully this community and it’s members and when I knew about this I removed myself from it. I have also not spoken to the people involved with it since I removed myself and am not hoping to ever contact any of them again, ever.

What's your excuse for wasting my time?
I understand why it seems like I am just trying to waste your time, however I am being completely honest in my appeal, I want a fresh start where I am completely truthful. I would never intentionally waste your time, the staff teams time or anyone’s time, and I apologise again if I have. A final chance in this community is what I am asking for so I can prove I am not just a waste of time.

Thanks again for reading my appeal, Haarry

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I do not lie when I say how much this community means to me, I have spent countless hours on the servers, forum and talking to friends on the teamspeak, for the time I was playing here it became a large part of my life and I am missing it a lot. I had a huge lapse in judgment when getting involved with it and I understand the consequences, at the time I was not aware of the extent that these individuals were going to in attempt to harm and bully this community and it’s members and when I knew about this I removed myself from it. I have also not spoken to the people involved with it since I removed myself and am not hoping to ever contact any of them again, ever.
I dont mean that pretend community, I mean the other toxic one your part of currently and hanging around with other racists and trolls.

It hasnt been 6 months and even past that I do not think you deserve a place here again.

Your Permanent Appeal has been denied


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