In-game Name
Steam ID
Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I made a huge mess up, a massive fuck up at that. Pardon my french; i insulted a member of staff and his family and also disprected the rpuk staff.
What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?
I have mainly been working, i have been trying to take the steps of my father and try to make a name for myself in the building industry. I have also in the past 3 months became a new father or as you would say becoming a father; I have also got a new apartment. Living with my new girlfriend and keeping my head out of trouble.
Why do you want to return ?
I have said a lot in my previous appeal, I made a huge and massive mistake. Vladic has done alot for this community and what i did was unacceptable. I can keep stating that im sorry over and over, but all i can do is show you that i love this community. I have been a member of this community and donated a lot of money here. I have made friends here and enemies. I just want to come home from work and join my friends without the nonsense. I want to enjoy myself and have fun.
Why should we unban you ?
Other then what i have said in my previous appeal and my statements this community is literally the best community to be in. I came here a veteran of Arma; I was a complete noob and had no clue what i was doing. I Joined ts like you would do. I got robbed straight away; but then a member of tck approached me and offered to help me out. Then onwards i joined tck and started being apart of the community. From that i helped people out rich and poor. What i am getting at is i enjoyed and loved helping people and being apart of the server; it wasn't just a shoot out it was about the roleplay and contact. Every month i say to my girlfriend i wish that i was playing my game right now. She says every time what game is that; But obviously she would never understand.
RPUK has brought me so much laughter and fun over a year period. From being down in the ghetto to being up with the best clan. I got low during the end of TCK, i made a complete fool of myself; I wish i could come back to RPUK and show you i will put in the time i will show you that i am not the dick who said them stupid things. I want to rejoin the community which brought me so much laughter and so much fun.
On the day that i was banned, i was hungover. Realizing what i did i smacked my head in anger and read the steam messages. I cannot take back what i said, It was disgusting and out right horrible; And i should also know because my sister had cancer in the skin. Fortunatley she passed it but; from what i listened from her It was one of the most horrifying experiences of her life. I cannot express how much i am sorry to vladic, I made a mistake and i was drunk. This doesn't make it okay; I want to once more apologise to vladic, what i said was completely stupid. If my mum or my family was to read what i said they would disown me. I know you will never forgive me. Because whoever says that about ones family in my book would have never be forgiven. If i could do anything to tell you i am sorry i would.
I cant keep telling you i am sorry because it would be infinite pages along, I would also want to apologise to the admins who were in my clan and trusted me to follow the rules and respect the players. I hope you can forgive me as i have waited so long to rejoin your beautiful community.
What i did was completely unacceptable, everyone makes mistakes even know mine was a huge one. I am willing to put the effort in and make this right. Please give me that chance, i am realize how much i made a mistake i just need that one chance i will show you that i have grown up and i am not a immature person.
Thankyou for reading.
Please confirm this unban request is for you.
I have read and understand the unban appeal process
Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.
I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.
Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here
Steam ID
Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I made a huge mess up, a massive fuck up at that. Pardon my french; i insulted a member of staff and his family and also disprected the rpuk staff.
What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?
I have mainly been working, i have been trying to take the steps of my father and try to make a name for myself in the building industry. I have also in the past 3 months became a new father or as you would say becoming a father; I have also got a new apartment. Living with my new girlfriend and keeping my head out of trouble.
Why do you want to return ?
I have said a lot in my previous appeal, I made a huge and massive mistake. Vladic has done alot for this community and what i did was unacceptable. I can keep stating that im sorry over and over, but all i can do is show you that i love this community. I have been a member of this community and donated a lot of money here. I have made friends here and enemies. I just want to come home from work and join my friends without the nonsense. I want to enjoy myself and have fun.
Why should we unban you ?
Other then what i have said in my previous appeal and my statements this community is literally the best community to be in. I came here a veteran of Arma; I was a complete noob and had no clue what i was doing. I Joined ts like you would do. I got robbed straight away; but then a member of tck approached me and offered to help me out. Then onwards i joined tck and started being apart of the community. From that i helped people out rich and poor. What i am getting at is i enjoyed and loved helping people and being apart of the server; it wasn't just a shoot out it was about the roleplay and contact. Every month i say to my girlfriend i wish that i was playing my game right now. She says every time what game is that; But obviously she would never understand.
RPUK has brought me so much laughter and fun over a year period. From being down in the ghetto to being up with the best clan. I got low during the end of TCK, i made a complete fool of myself; I wish i could come back to RPUK and show you i will put in the time i will show you that i am not the dick who said them stupid things. I want to rejoin the community which brought me so much laughter and so much fun.
On the day that i was banned, i was hungover. Realizing what i did i smacked my head in anger and read the steam messages. I cannot take back what i said, It was disgusting and out right horrible; And i should also know because my sister had cancer in the skin. Fortunatley she passed it but; from what i listened from her It was one of the most horrifying experiences of her life. I cannot express how much i am sorry to vladic, I made a mistake and i was drunk. This doesn't make it okay; I want to once more apologise to vladic, what i said was completely stupid. If my mum or my family was to read what i said they would disown me. I know you will never forgive me. Because whoever says that about ones family in my book would have never be forgiven. If i could do anything to tell you i am sorry i would.
I cant keep telling you i am sorry because it would be infinite pages along, I would also want to apologise to the admins who were in my clan and trusted me to follow the rules and respect the players. I hope you can forgive me as i have waited so long to rejoin your beautiful community.
What i did was completely unacceptable, everyone makes mistakes even know mine was a huge one. I am willing to put the effort in and make this right. Please give me that chance, i am realize how much i made a mistake i just need that one chance i will show you that i have grown up and i am not a immature person.
Thankyou for reading.
Please confirm this unban request is for you.
I have read and understand the unban appeal process
Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.
I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.
Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here
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