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Permanent Ban Appeal - EVO_129 (Unbanned)

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In-game Name

A 1 E X

Steam ID


Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I got banned for a lot of my very stupid decisions

Firstly I broke the rule RDM I broke this rule by basically when I initiated on a guy who was in a car and then because I was too needy and wanted to make sure he did not drive off so I shot his wheels basically straight away which is classed as RDM/FAILRP

Secondly, in the same situation when I shot the person's wheels he got out and placed his hands onto his head so then when I the person got out of this car I proceeded to keychain the player to get his name which is metagaming I did this because I wanted to know his name just in case if we needed to report him.

Lastly NLR I think it was because after I keychain the guy I got shot by one of his friends on the hill so than on discord I went and told my friends where the people who killed me was without hot micing it.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

In the past 6 months, I have been playing football in real life because I was banned from RPUK so I did not like to play ArmA that much. Also, I started to do Kickboxing and sometimes in my spare time play some rainbowsixsiege.

Why do you want to return ?

I would love to return because when I played this server I had so much fun times and I miss this server because it is very good. I would also like to return to show how much better my roleplay has got because I have had a long read through the rules and looked at all of them to make sure I know the rules.

Why should we unban you ?

You should unban me because in this past 6 months that I have been banned I have been waiting for this day to appeal because I have been very bored without this server because this server is the best server to roleplay on and I made mistakes and I got banned for it. I think you should also unban me because I have matured and I think of my actions before I do them.

Thank you for reading this I am sorry and also if it does get denied thank you so much for the fun times I have had on this server.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


This ban wasn't your first run-in with the staff team, over a month period you accrued 2 warning and a ban all revolving around the RDM rule. Your roleplay at the time wasn't up to scratch and you didn't seem to learn from your mistakes, what's going to make this time around any different if we find ourselves unbanning you?

You also were very keen to tell the player that wronged you that they were getting deported, despite breaking several community rules yourself, don't you think that's a pretty awful double standard?

@CC Aiden I know the old me did not meet the standards of this server to any extent. I think that if I get unbanned I will be able to stay up to the standard of the server because these 6+ months that I have been banned I have matured a lot so when I read some rules I will try my hardest to stick to them and give the best roleplay I can in every situation. 

I know that I never learned from my mistakes and when I said sorry I was stupid and when someone says sorry they should mean it and don't do that thing again and try there hardest not to and I did not do that but I am saying sorry again and this time I mean it and if I do get unbanned I will try so hard to stick to the rules to show that I care and I do really mean it.

I said to people that they are going to get deported when I was braking more rules than them which is very stupid of me and before I go and show people how to act I should know how to act my self and stick to the rules that I am supposed to.

@EVO_129 you've been playing on 2 very toxic non-RP servers since your ban here so I doubt very much your roleplay has improved, people who come back from these places historically get banned rather quickly again.

I am going to give you a chance anyway as i feel your being sincere, please re-read our rules and make sure you understand them although they've been pretty much copied to other places in different words as we did create the first most in-depth rules, we do actually enforce all of ours here and are not afraid to keep people banned as you know!

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