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Permanent Ban Appeal - DexterTheGod

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Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I believe I was banned for 2.4 because a member of my gang by the name of Milo was exploiting Stacks of Cash to gain money into his bank account and I was tied into it. To come clean Milo has given me money before around 2 million wire transfered after camping laundry for around 2 hours and 30 minutes over at scuba rocks and then it was followed up by MrLongSlong giving me 2 or 2.5 million cut of the money collected of all the other zones for that time this was at full server or just before it. Milo has also given me roughly 5 million in stacks of cash that came from his house from what he said was old money from camping red zones that he couldn't be bothered to launder, I was aware since way before I even became friends with Milo that he had around 200mil in his bank because some of my mates knew him and said he was rich so I didn't think much of it when I took the 6mil, just saw it as a rich guy on RPUK being lazy. The 6mil is still sitting in my house today added up to my saved unlaundered cash that was 3.4mil or so. This is all I can think of that could have tied me into this situation.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?


Why do you want to return ?

Well I want to return I feel that I haven't played a huge aspect into this whole scandal not sure how bad it was but Ive heard that Nalurah as mention that it was in the 9 digits of how much he had in his house. Want to return because keep on getting caught up in these situations with the wrong people being that Ive been being banned multiple times recently but have got them falsified. This community is recognize as one of the top RP ones in arma 3 at the moment and I yet to explore the whole server being that I just became a Student in the NHS and Was planning on join the police and take it serious.

Why should we unban you ?

Known Milo for around 3 months now and just joined Vanity 2 weeks ago and though I was vaguely aware of a members of their gang being banned in the past for Duplicating but being that they are still around and not Blanket banned, pretty invested in factions(NHS and some Police), and lastly are genuinely good funny people that gave me a chance even though I only had a vouch by Milo and I left The Last Division recently because I was scared of being in trouble for too many gunfights so basically didn't want to get blanketed.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


That just does not explain the £202,418,000 that was in your house
Well I was told by Milo 4 days ago that he had 100mil of stacked cash in his house and made up some bullshit lie that I actually fell for and believe that he actually just had a crazy ass behind the scenes deal with Gold Command and didnt think at all that it could be duping. A day later Milo told me that the deal was 100 percent bullshit and he just wanted to mess with me so then I asked him how he got all that money then he answer that he was duplicating. I continued to have an extensive chat with him about that idk duping was even a big thing on this server I thought you guys were so advance that there wouldnt be a chance of a simple exploit to allow people to dupe. he asked if I wanted money and hesitant I asked how long has he been doing it for?, Do alot of people do it?, Cant you get caught?, and Wasnt other people in your gang banned for this? he countered those question for believable points and told me that it will take a little but he could get me some money. 1 day after that he brought me to his house and gave me a total of around 200million and told me to store it in my house and slowly launder it when I put it in my house I laundered all the berfore hand money in my house which was about 8.5million and stored it into my bank. A day after I deleted the money by storing it into my hellcat and storing the hellcat because I didnt want it to be traced to me in anyway.

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Please do not find this as an excuse but a confession and a pled for forgiveness. It was my full responsibility of taking that money back and not contacting staff.

You don't say... I think by the fact you asked "cant you get caught?" and still took the money showed it was your responsibility and you knew it was wrong

You thought you could get away with it and that is dishonest, Why did you not report Milo? What makes him so special and more important than your time here ?

You don't say... I think by the fact you asked "cant you get caught?" and still took the money showed it was your responsibility and you knew it was wrong

You thought you could get away with it and that is dishonest, Why did you not report Milo? What makes him so special and more important than your time here ?
For starters when I asked "cant you get caught?" and if you take another look behind the other questions was for me to find out his intention to do something like this that can get him community banned, and yes thats what I meant by my second comment, I Dexter member of Vanity and frequent player on RPUK took 190mil of stacks of cash that I was aware was duped at the time and take full responsibility for my actions and I can say that straight up im not trying to hide it or lie about it, Im definitely not proud of my action in any light and I let my greed get the best me even though I was aware of the consequences. Im here for Forgiveness as a stated before and a Second chance. Now saying that "I thought i could get away with it" a little bit of me was certainly curious of what kind happen but the fear of being discovered is what made me remove it without using any. Why did I not report Milo because he has honestly done so much for me ever since I met him and I didn't want to repay him by tell staff what he did on his own time in secrecy(that is not to say that I promoted this event, I did tell him that he probably shouldn't do this and I would hate to see him go but my efforts clearly didn't work) even after the event of Milo getting banned and me as well he still feels responsible for my punishment and has sincerely apologized to me for it. Now to go behind his back like you said and after he trusted me enough to tell me is dreadful and I personally can not bring myself to do that to a good person without feeling a massive amount of guilt and regret. 

Your Permanent Appeal has been denied


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