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Permanent Ban Appeal - Connormcdx

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Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I was banned for inciting someone to scam when they were trading csgo skins for in- game money. I understand that what I did at the time was abusive and manipulative as the individual who was involved was young.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

Chilling, playing games and working.

Why do you want to return ?

I would like to return to play with some my friends on the server because I remember how much I used to enjoy it here. I never fully appreciated the admin team until playing other altis life servers. It is the only server I feel familiar and comfortable with after spending so much time searching for others to play on. I came to appreciate my time on the server interacting with the great community and management team, I have spent a lot time on the server in all different factions and really enjoyed the different scenarios you got into when roleplaying as each of them. It was a very unique experience that I could not find on other altis life servers and I would love to come back and experience a server as good as rpuk once again. I have since changed my attitude to life and see things from a different view and would like to return to the server as an active member of the community.

Why should we unban you ?

I am looking to be unbanned because I realise what I did and I would appreciate an opportunity to prove to the community how much I have changed. I understand that what I was getting involved in was abusive and vindictive of me, and I have realised the bigger picture of how this has affected the Individual that was involved directly in the long run. I wish to prove to the individuals involved and the wider community that I am changed. I take full responsibility that I was there when all of this went down and that I knew about it. I have since disassociated myself with the individuals involved when I made the commitment to change my behaviour.
In my last unban Wilco added that the person who was scammed needs to have their items returned. Tactical Panda traded some skins for Daniel2Sec’s ingame money and that was the deal as far as I know. From my understanding Daniel was unbanned a small time after the event and then carried on playing. (I cannot remember all the specifics as this was probably around 2 years or more ago and have not been on the community). I believe the trade was still carried out and all parties involved received the items, I completely understand the extent of trust that I abused in inciting to scam the individual involved.
I thank you for your time and understanding,

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


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Your actions in what can only be described as disgusting events should only make you ashamed and question yourself as a human being, It certainly made us open our eyes on how low our members could go to earn a few quid off other members.

Since your ban here you were banned on 2 non RP "servers", one for being racist and the other one ... well it doesn't matter if you're banned there you'll always get unbanned due to desperation... cluelessness and I don't know what!

I have since changed my attitude to life and see things from a different view and would like to return to the server as an active member of the community.
I disagree you will be active having only just joined the police elsewhere... If your intentions were to be unbanned and active then that would have been your primary focus, Seeing this just says to me that was bollocks... which makes me now question your entire appeal.

I agree that what I did back then was very stupid and childish and just downright low of myself.

It was a fucked up thing to do.

I have missed playing here and would love to see how it has changed whilst I have been gone and see some of the people who have stuck around since the beginning.

Childish... no! it was theft and manipulation and seeing you didn't bother to take the time to reply fully to my response i am not going to spend anymore time with this. 

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