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Permanent Ban Appeal - Blaine_Unban

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Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

i was banned for calling wilco a "spastic" on the forums

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

Went to Thailand for 6 weeks trading cars and bringing them back as an import, currently fixing them up and selling them for profit. Not really been on PC for a while just focusing on work and making a life for myself.

Why do you want to return ?

I would like to return to RPUK because i miss this server and there are no other servers like this one, i have seen people who i used to play with back in the day like linx and surgay and would really like to come back and play with them again in my spare time.

Why should we unban you ?

There is no reason for you to unban me after i called you a spastic which was not needed and very childish of me and i fully apologise for that, i was heavily influenced at the time being in 183. I seen that the community is having a turn around and would be grateful for a second chance as i have grew far away from those who i used to play with. I have had over a year to think about what i have done and i fell like i have matured enough to make a return to this server if the chance be granted.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


These are the notes on your ban... of course you left out the racism! you people always do! Ashamed ?

Please explain what you mean by being influenced... influenced by whom ? I did not ban you, you was banned for mass VDM'ing by switching seats in Kavala


Joined TS with the name "Wilco is a fat N***er"

To be perfectly honest it's been that long I cant even remember an yes I probably did say them things and I can remember doing a mass vdm but that was a completely different time in my life. All I wanna do now is just chill on games wen I have the chance like so take it how you want to if I can come back and play I will if not then I wont. End of the day I ain't gonna blame it on different people for the things I did because it was me that did them so you asking for me to drop names is just irrelevant because it was me that said the things and did it fair enough it was encouraged by a few people but it was still me that did it.

i was heavily influenced at the time

I ain't gonna blame it on different people for the things I did because it was me that did them so you asking for me to drop names is just irrelevant because it was me that said the things and did it fair enough it was encouraged by a few people but it was still me that did it.
We know it was you that did it the evidence is right infront of us.... but as you stated you've been influenced, so who would influence such a thing ?

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listen yeah you already know who was influencing it because they got banned at the same time as me, you are just trying to get me to drop names. if you know it was me then you will also know the people that i did it with... all i wanna do is come back an play if i can if u think im gonna sit here typing this kissing arse then ur mistaken, i know the things i did was bad an i would try an right my wrong but i aint gonna sit here saying how sorry i am an all that shite because at the end of the day i know it was bang out of order and what does an apology do for you like not much really. if i can come back an play then i will with the time when im actually on which isnt very often anymore so do with it as you please.

Thinking is not your strong point is it... during your appeal process you decide to put an IP for a teamspeak on our forums for all to see rather than just contact individuals off the community with the address.

Anyone who might have joined that would of had there IP exposed, it could of contained content they didn't want to see.

Obviously you have no regard for our rules and that's where we leave this appeal.

Your Permanent Appeal has been denied


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