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Permanent Ban Appeal - AspectUnbannnnn

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Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I was originally banned for 1.2 i joined the 183 rooms and teamspeak and said "Whats up ni**ers". There was a video uploaded by ziffy reporting someone and in the video i was caught being racist. After i have been banned i have ban evaded three times to RDM. I have also heared that people in the past have made twitch accounts under my name however i can assure you i have never been on a twitch account called aspect i use one with my real name.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

I have been going out mostly however sometimes playing rust and fifa

Why do you want to return ?

I want to return as i have been banned for over a year now and not appealed the ban once. I know what i did was stupid and can offend many people. I am no longer toxic like i used to be i have grown up over the year. I know my chances of getting unbanned our very slim as i have been told this from other admin. I can fully understand why my chances of getting unbanned are slim however i thought i could be given one more chance on the server to play with old friends. I have spent around 1/3 of my hours on the game on RPUK and would like to return to play some more. I am fully aware that my ban history is very bad however i can assure you if i was given the chance to return i would prove myself and never break rules/be toxic again. I belive that i can be once again a member who supports the community well and i will have a good relationship with everyone who plays here to make sure that me and other players are enjoying our time on the server. I believe my best chance at getting unbanned is to be honest and state everything i have done wrong.

Why should we unban you ?

I think i should be unbanned as i have changed a lot over the cores of me being banned on the server witch is over a year now. As stated above i know i have ban evaded multiple times however now i look back on them i now realise that it was pointless as i got nothing out of it and just wasted my time and the supports time. I also think i should be unbanned as i want to come back to play the server with some old mates who have started to come back and play the last few weeks. I know after my ban i did not make matters any better for myself however i really do regret doing all the stupid things i did as it makes me look worse and harder for me to be given a chance to come and play here again. As i have seen on many other appeals people get questioned for playing on other server and having a bad record on there. However even though i do play other communities (as most people do these days) i am not toxic on those servers and i have not been banned on there at all. I know my chances are very slim of a unban however i thought i would just give it a go and see if i can get unbanned and be aloud one more chance to play here

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


@AspectUnbannnnn You gave yourself the chance to return 3 times and you decided to RDM and wreck others fun ?

If you google yourself "76561198167312282" You have been banned on other places so why come here lying ?

Also would you like to explain the "RPUK Spackers" youtube account ?

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All of these bans where mid 2018 when i was fully maining the game and made stupid decisions however i now just want to come back and start playing again with my friends that have been unbanned im nothing like i used to be when i comes to arma however i know there is no possible way for me to prove this to you. 

I have took a good 6 month break from arma only going on it the odd time for about 30 mins i used to take the game way to seriously and make stupid mistakes. If you think im "lying" then im not doing this intentually i have just forgot about things as they where so long ago.

I just want to come back and play the game a little in my spare time not to cause any more issues as i have done enough of that in the past

I now remeber ages ago in my last unban you mentioned this to me and i honestly didnt make it or have anything to do with it. I dont know why that got put on me. From speaking to @Linx he says it was jaykae but to be honest with you i dont have a clue. I really dont know what i can do to prove to you that i dont have anything to do with it.

If i was involved in it i would say it now as i have stated everything i have done and i know lying will just make things harder for me

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Connected to Teamspeak for 3 minutes jumped around the channels yelling racist words and saying some discriminate things towards other community members. Yelling down the mic to disturb what was going on within those channels
Your a bit of a racist one ain't you.... If you did that offline would end up being arrested, so why do you act like this online ?

Well not something to be proud off as you can imagin however this was over a good year ago now and i know you probobly hear this from everyone however i have grown up alot over that time and i am no longer a sqeaky imature 15 year old. I can assure you i dont behave in the same way anymore.

Wow... Your blaming your age on why you was racist ?

The Youtube thing i smell bullshit, your account is plastered with notes, Its clear you hate this community.

What I find more shocking is a member of our team who is quite reserved and extremely trusted left a long comment which signals to me from what he said you have well and truely burnt your bridges

So taking that and everything else into consideration, Your permanent ban stands and it would be pointless to ever consider an appeal.

Your Permanent Appeal has been denied


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