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Permanent Ban Appeal - Andyyx

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Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

( Before I write this appeal @Wilco has allowed me to make this appeal at my last chance to prove I can come back to the server , he did it over discord PM. Also I have made a lot of previous appeals where a lot of effort has been put into them most of them being deleted now or extremely hard to find. )

The reason I was banned was for spreading around a image of a individual in the community that I wont mention. The image I got was off another member in the community instead of me going to staff about what was going in the room at the time instead joined in with them. It was only one person that I shared the image of over steam and the other images I just looked at with all the other individuals in the room. I was also banned because of my behavior in the community at the time and the amount of respect I showed to other members. Also I got another account banned when I wanted to come back and play and played with a gang for a while then got banned on another account. Overall the ban was around the rule 1.6 ( community ban ) as I was causing drams in the community.

I was also banned because when they asked me about who the individuals I was in the room with , I wouldn't give any names which means I let other people continue to do what I was doing , which I now regret.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

In the last 6 months I have joined a college around 3 moths ago and was doing a IT course. I now have left the course as I wasn't enjoying and im now looking for a apprenticeship which hopefully im starting next year . When it comes to playing games I have been playing Black ops 4 or CSGO. I have being playing in some semi-pro tournaments on there and some fun over there. Other then that not alot has changed since I was banned that is it interesting.

Why do you want to return ?

I want to re join the community because I some friends on the server and would be good to catch up with the server and see how it is doing since I have been gone for a while. Other this was where my arma days started and would feel some what " nostalgic " to play here again. Also to prove how I have changed since I have been banned and im capable of playing in the community again. Also maybe playing in a faction on the server would be great fun and remind of the times in 2017.

Why should we unban you ?

The reason I should be un-banned is because I believe people can change and also second chances. I think when I was in the community you only saw one side of me towards the end. The things I got into and took part with , Also because I believe when I was in the community before I made a positive effect in the community and I can 100% live up to that again . Also I have proven I can do some great RP like when I was in the NHS Twitter for my great RP and other recommendations made by the staff team around 8 moths ago when I wasn't banned.

Thanks for reading the appeal , Andyy

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


We spoke in a little detail on discord tonight... before I bother entertaining this appeal lets bring in @Aiden & @CC mryan19 and see what they think about you returning.

I open the floor to the people whose pictures you were sharing who are members of this community's staff team

To be honest, I hold nothing against him on a personal level, I do think however that he hasn't changed in the slightest and that he is exactly the same now as he was back then and his behavior will not reflect anything other than that. If he does get unbanned and proves otherwise I would have no problem him returning.

@Andyyx that reply from Mrryan is completely where I am at, just briefly communicating with you on discord the other night shows me you would not fit in here, the whole not wanting to be a snake thing.

You only reported to me who was trolling vladic ka's stream as you want to get back in this community however that is not how things should go down, if your in a room with people trolling this community or just people online in general what's stopping you contacting them saying I don't condone what this person is doing but its "xyz and they're doing xyz" 

I also look at your steam friends list and see like minded people who have had declined appeals here within the last few weeks, I am not sure why you would want to join to a community like this which is filled with positive people when you hang around and enjoy so much negativity? Maybe its because most community's in the Arma world have turned their backs on you. 

I just think letting you back in would be a bad mistake as you've not changed and would need our staff team babysitting you and anyone else you brush your negative approach off on.

You say you have friends here.... I cannot see them risking their own membership of RPUK putting there necks on the line to have you back, all i am receiving is people saying he shouldn't come back.... that doesn't sway me I can see clearly on your case.

This is your doing... no one elses you started on RPUK many moons ago with a clean slate, Do i want someone here whos going to go around sharing personal pictures without permission of other members... No, Would you like people sharing your personal pictures giggling like little girls over them?... I doubt it

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I just think letting you back in would be a bad mistake
I’m unable to show that I can be a respected member is the community if I’m not given a chance , I have never been *banned* before so it’s not like anyone has gave me a chance before. Personally I think I would fit quite well in the community now I have a new frame of mind and look on this.

I am not sure why you would want to join to a community like this which is filled with positive people when you hang around and enjoy so much negativity?
I think what you are saying here is a great point and I can totally see where you are coming from but there aren’t a lot of *postive community’s * in Arma 3. Also you make my point as well I don’t want to be in a place filled with so much negativity but in all truth I was stuck for options as I felt RPUK turned there back on me over one mistake ( not saying what I did was right in any means) .

No, Would you like people sharing your personal pictures giggling like little girls over them?..
 It has happend to me so no I wouldn’t like it that’s why I totally agree with the ban set in stone but just hope you will let me prove and the other staff team that I’m more then capable to come back in the community.

thanks for taking time to write a detailed response.

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I’m unable to show that I can be a respected member is the community if I’m not given a chance , I have never been *banned* before so it’s not like anyone has gave me a chance before. Personally I think I would fit quite well in the community now I have a new frame of mind and look on this.[SIZE= 1.4rem] [/SIZE]

You had your chance when you first joined here, you have had multiple chances to fit into other communities which you amazingly got perm banned from.

I think what you are saying here is a great point and I can totally see where you are coming from but there aren’t a lot of *postive community’s * in Arma 3. Also you make my point as well I don’t want to be in a place filled with so much negativity but in all truth I was stuck for options as I felt RPUK turnd there back on me over one mistake ( not saying what I did was right in any means) .

No, you are correct there, We are the only non-toxic community in the Arma community due to some moral standards, however with your current attitude and behavior around others allowing your return would go against that, again I am surprised some of these communities have turned there back as they usually wouldn't with someone like you.

The fact you were in the room with the trolls on vladic's stream Friday night says to me your conduct online has not changed and I very much doubt it will, these trollers are still around today but things are getting a little more serious with people streaming on our server subject to ddos attacks and I would not be surprised if you know who that might be.

The fact you were in the room with the trolls on vladic's stream Friday night says to me your conduct online has not changed
 @Wilco The reason I was in that room originally wasn’t for the reason of trolling the stream or anything of those lines but I can admit of my wrong doings here and can say yes I shouldn’t of been there with them but again most community’s I’m banned from and that was one of the ones of the *communitys* I’m not banned from so I guess you could say I was trying to fit in.

these trollers are still around today but things are getting a little more serious with people streaming on our server subject to ddos attacks and I would not be surprised if you know who that might be.
Since we have spoke over discord I haven’t been on any other community TeamSpeaks expect a personal one so I really do have no idea what you are talking about but I have never agreed with d-dossing as I thinks it’s childish.

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Geezz... and still it continues, I was hoping they would go back to school next week but being 18 and no clear sign of education so far I think we will need to wait until god forbid they discover women, then they can go and harras them instead rather than uploading piss poor youtube videos and posting pictures of snakes.

Now... wouldn't it be fun right now to unban you, but unfortunately that's not how this works, This community would not allow me to allow someone who was sharing pictures of members and IP's of members back in just like that.

They are a very forgiving bunch but only if that person has grown up and changed there ways.

Unfortunately, right now that isn't the case, I do not believe you have changed one bit,  however, there are positive signs of you growing up, You have shared valuable information about these people that shouldn't be here and understand they are acting like children and we have cleaned out some trash from our server as they were not valuable members, they never contributed positively nor was they good roleplayers (far from it).

Try again in 6 months, do something positive in the meantime.

Your Permanent Appeal has been denied


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