In-game Name
Steam ID
Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
1.6) The Staff Team may ban any member from the servers and community at any time if they are considered disruptive to the community or we have a valid reason to believe they are here to cause issues.
The main reason I was banned was for posting images of somebody in the community and making regards of how the person looked like. Also for the immature behaviour that was shown when I was dragged in by Remissions and didn't give any of the names of the people who were involved with this situation which is another rule that Wilco recently introduced where if you see anybody or involved in any rules breaks that you should report to a admin. I did not do this and instead made the choice to join in with what was going on and my mind set was somewhere else and was not thinking of the repercussions of my behaviour. Also It was not just for posting a photo or joining in with making regards of somebody in the community but there was multiple people. Im also happy to make a personal apology letter all the members of the community that I heart.
The other reason I think I was 1.6 was not too long ago I was making a positive impact to the server and when I was playing at the time I only brought negativity as I was going through some personal problems in real life which got dragged into the game , I tried for this not to happen but it still did. The last reason I think I was banned was for sending the photo to multiple people not just one induvial as at the time there was people in the room , I should of respect the induvial privacy. Also I was banned as I was getting my name involved with the " usual suspects " which nobody wants that name hovering over them. At the time I thought I was cool and thought it was the place to be and to be honest these two months have made me realise what a idiot I am
What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?
To start I havent played on my PC for around 3-4 moths if I have it was the odd game of CSGO with some college mates.
I have mostly been concentrating on fixing real life problems like education and family issues. When it comes to playing games I have been playing fortnite and first person shooters. Currently im studding at a college in computing and that's been my main focus recently. Also I have to look after some family members and they are getting ill and I have to make sure they are ok as well. Also I have been fixing my computer as It broke so I had to buy all new parts for it which cost a lot of money , other then that not a lot that is interesting.
Why do you want to return ?
The main reason I would like to return is to play with all my friends as 80% of my friends from Arma 3 play this server and I feel left out lonely , even though this was my own mistake. Also this is the only community I have ever enjoyed being in and being away from it has made me learn that I shouldn't take it likely breaking rules and no longer being able to play here but take it seriously and focus on more positive , like whne I was previously in the NHS. Also the main reason I want to re join the community is it join the police force as that is where most my mates are and is somewhere where I feel and home. Another reason I would like to return is to play in the NHS and have the same role play experience that I previously had. I know I had a good connection with most members in the NHS and also was a good one ( with the odd mistakes ) . Last as much as everyone hates it , I do miss being in kavala and messing about with some of the hobos it can be a great laugh at times and very enjoyable.
Why should we unban you ?
The main reason I should be unbanned is because the 1.6 was the first ban that I have ever received in the community , I have never been banned for anything else ( even though this is not a excuse for my actions ) also I have came to realise what a idiot I was and what I was doing was not how I should be acting in the community. Also I was dragged into the hole mess of passing around photos as I did not ask for any photos to be sent to me but however I did pass A photo of one induvial . Also I would like to talk about the post I made on the forums that was strictly out of anger and If I had the right mind set at the time there is no way I would of done that. Also another reason I should be unbanned is because I think the person who reported me made the right descion and I am more then happy to write a 500 word letter of apology to ever member that I hurt in the community as I am very much sorry for what happened and I want what happened in te past to stay that way. Also there is a lot of proof on the forums of me making a great impact in the NHS which I know you like Wilco , in the past I have been recommend by staff members and been on the twitter account as I was helping out the NHS on improving and becoming better and I don't want to leave that behind.
Last I would like to state this , I did indeed lie on my application joining the NHS and police I was indeed 15 previously and would like to put my hands up and admit to that , I am now 16 now my date of birth is 19/06/02 and if I was given another chance in the community there would be nothing but honesty from me and I hope you can accept that. Also I would like to add since I have been away I have stayed ( or tired to ) stay away from other certain members of the community as I don't want to be associated with them and are more then happy with the friends I have got.
Answer some commonly asked questions
" Even though you were angry how does this make it right "
So there is no exuse for what I posted there was no reason behind it , all I can say what I have never been so angry on a gaming community not at anyone but my self , I know what I did wrong and I got " pissed off " that the only gaming community that I have enjoyed playing on that im banned and will most likely never get to play on again , so I resolved to pure childish behaviour and didn't think on how it would effect me or the rest of the community. If I could change the past I would do it a flash but I cant.
" How can we trust you not to do the same thing again "
Well I have recently removed ANY images of people from the community that are not public on the forums as I do want to start over again in the community and make a good impact on it. Also the fact im wiling to anything under my power to make it up to the members that I have already hurt and make it up to them in any way. Also most of the members that I was associated with are either banned from the server or don't play anymore , I know this doesn't look good but it the truth.
Please confirm this unban request is for you.
I have read and understand the unban appeal process
Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.
I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.
Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here
Steam ID
Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
1.6) The Staff Team may ban any member from the servers and community at any time if they are considered disruptive to the community or we have a valid reason to believe they are here to cause issues.
The main reason I was banned was for posting images of somebody in the community and making regards of how the person looked like. Also for the immature behaviour that was shown when I was dragged in by Remissions and didn't give any of the names of the people who were involved with this situation which is another rule that Wilco recently introduced where if you see anybody or involved in any rules breaks that you should report to a admin. I did not do this and instead made the choice to join in with what was going on and my mind set was somewhere else and was not thinking of the repercussions of my behaviour. Also It was not just for posting a photo or joining in with making regards of somebody in the community but there was multiple people. Im also happy to make a personal apology letter all the members of the community that I heart.
The other reason I think I was 1.6 was not too long ago I was making a positive impact to the server and when I was playing at the time I only brought negativity as I was going through some personal problems in real life which got dragged into the game , I tried for this not to happen but it still did. The last reason I think I was banned was for sending the photo to multiple people not just one induvial as at the time there was people in the room , I should of respect the induvial privacy. Also I was banned as I was getting my name involved with the " usual suspects " which nobody wants that name hovering over them. At the time I thought I was cool and thought it was the place to be and to be honest these two months have made me realise what a idiot I am
What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?
To start I havent played on my PC for around 3-4 moths if I have it was the odd game of CSGO with some college mates.
I have mostly been concentrating on fixing real life problems like education and family issues. When it comes to playing games I have been playing fortnite and first person shooters. Currently im studding at a college in computing and that's been my main focus recently. Also I have to look after some family members and they are getting ill and I have to make sure they are ok as well. Also I have been fixing my computer as It broke so I had to buy all new parts for it which cost a lot of money , other then that not a lot that is interesting.
Why do you want to return ?
The main reason I would like to return is to play with all my friends as 80% of my friends from Arma 3 play this server and I feel left out lonely , even though this was my own mistake. Also this is the only community I have ever enjoyed being in and being away from it has made me learn that I shouldn't take it likely breaking rules and no longer being able to play here but take it seriously and focus on more positive , like whne I was previously in the NHS. Also the main reason I want to re join the community is it join the police force as that is where most my mates are and is somewhere where I feel and home. Another reason I would like to return is to play in the NHS and have the same role play experience that I previously had. I know I had a good connection with most members in the NHS and also was a good one ( with the odd mistakes ) . Last as much as everyone hates it , I do miss being in kavala and messing about with some of the hobos it can be a great laugh at times and very enjoyable.
Why should we unban you ?
The main reason I should be unbanned is because the 1.6 was the first ban that I have ever received in the community , I have never been banned for anything else ( even though this is not a excuse for my actions ) also I have came to realise what a idiot I was and what I was doing was not how I should be acting in the community. Also I was dragged into the hole mess of passing around photos as I did not ask for any photos to be sent to me but however I did pass A photo of one induvial . Also I would like to talk about the post I made on the forums that was strictly out of anger and If I had the right mind set at the time there is no way I would of done that. Also another reason I should be unbanned is because I think the person who reported me made the right descion and I am more then happy to write a 500 word letter of apology to ever member that I hurt in the community as I am very much sorry for what happened and I want what happened in te past to stay that way. Also there is a lot of proof on the forums of me making a great impact in the NHS which I know you like Wilco , in the past I have been recommend by staff members and been on the twitter account as I was helping out the NHS on improving and becoming better and I don't want to leave that behind.
Last I would like to state this , I did indeed lie on my application joining the NHS and police I was indeed 15 previously and would like to put my hands up and admit to that , I am now 16 now my date of birth is 19/06/02 and if I was given another chance in the community there would be nothing but honesty from me and I hope you can accept that. Also I would like to add since I have been away I have stayed ( or tired to ) stay away from other certain members of the community as I don't want to be associated with them and are more then happy with the friends I have got.
Answer some commonly asked questions
" Even though you were angry how does this make it right "
So there is no exuse for what I posted there was no reason behind it , all I can say what I have never been so angry on a gaming community not at anyone but my self , I know what I did wrong and I got " pissed off " that the only gaming community that I have enjoyed playing on that im banned and will most likely never get to play on again , so I resolved to pure childish behaviour and didn't think on how it would effect me or the rest of the community. If I could change the past I would do it a flash but I cant.
" How can we trust you not to do the same thing again "
Well I have recently removed ANY images of people from the community that are not public on the forums as I do want to start over again in the community and make a good impact on it. Also the fact im wiling to anything under my power to make it up to the members that I have already hurt and make it up to them in any way. Also most of the members that I was associated with are either banned from the server or don't play anymore , I know this doesn't look good but it the truth.
Please confirm this unban request is for you.
I have read and understand the unban appeal process
Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.
I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.
Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here
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