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Permanent Ban Appeal - Absencee_Unban

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In-game Name

Absence x

Steam ID


Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

talking to 1.6 members on teamspeak

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

Playing leauge and rust.

Why do you want to return ?

I would like to return because ive been banned for 12 months now and i still have many old friends that play this server and i would like to join them again, as some of them i haven't spoken to since i was last banned. Alot more stuff has been added to rebel life that interests me to come play again and there seems a lot more to do now, than there was when i last played and i know ive said this before but this what really intrests me about playing here again, not only for the differnt experiances but the memories i can share with my old friends.

Why should we unban you ?

I have been told countless times that im to high of a risk and im too toxic so i thought it would be a perfect idea to really see if the community wants to see me return so i did a poll, where they could vote and if i was too toxic for them and they feel uncomfortable for me to play here then they would just say no and the majority of votes would present if i was really that toxic and that way if i am too toxic for the community the majority will be No's for me returning. Yes in the past i have been immature and i can recognise it, i get very childish when i didnt get my way but now i can accept if i get denied as i understand i was a prat., another reason to do the poll was i was told not to appeal again as i already have sealed my fate but i feel like the poll would of shown the staff team that they are a perception of me being toxic because of the people that ive played with . I can understand that i have been toxic in the past and unpleasant, like my last appeal with my status update. I just cant be bothered with it all anymore, i just wanna return to play with old friends. I would also be happy to have some kind of terms to go with my return to the community if needed.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


@Absencee_Unban You did a poll ? Not only are you one very toxic individual you are also very delusional in life about your popularity

We have very strict rules here, The community doesn't decide if a player is banned or unbanned the staff team does based on how serious ones actions might be, there actions after this community and if they are sincere or not, not your little poll!

You are also not a Roleplayer and tend to be in toxic gangs and follow toxic people about, I would suggest sticking to your boring frag videos... you seem to be good at uploading boring content to youtube.

Anyway ending on a more serious note, In your case I do not think ever returning here would ever be a good idea or good judgement.

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Your Permanent Appeal has been denied


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