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PC RunningSheep

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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
PC RunningSheep

Time & Date this happened:
12-Aug-2015 around 5-6pm

Which Server did this happen on:
server #1

Description of what happened:
PC RunningSheep created a trololol of such magnitude i left the server. PC RunningSheep failed to inform me of the reason i had my vehicle halted, bellowed repeatedly for me to exit my vehicle and only once out of the vehicle was i told PC RunningSheep had a personal suspicion i was driving a stolen vehicle. The man had no evidence / witness / information to justify the extreme view. It was an excuse to get me out of my vehicle. I had a wanted level, it was a trolololol masked as a legitimate random stop. I have since left Altis Life server #1 due to this abuse.

Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:

I tried, i only got talked over at a louder tone and sworn at, then arrested and sent to jail. The man did not care he did not give an ounce of roleplay. It was all about his enjoyment while he had time to play a game and not the total serious roleplaying experience Altis Life advertises.

Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)

I dont need footage, i was not prepared to be honest but my situation is simple. I was forced to halt my vehicle on a motorway on the grounds the vehicle may be stolen. The Police Officer involved ( runningsheep ) refused to answer my question of why i was pulled over. If PC RunningSheep told me the allegation which was based purely on the opinion of PC RunningSheep himself then i could say he had no evidence and drive on. I got trolled. Its clear i would not have gotten out of my vehicle had i known the allegation when i asked. I was bullied out of my vehicle by a damned trololol Police Officer and then, once out of my vehicle, told a bull allegation about a stolen vehicle with the childish excuse its genuine Police role-play.

I bothered to give further detail below because I wont come back unless this is sorted out. Its a waste of my gaming time and that of others whom get this type of low quality Police role-play. Thank you for reading.



In short i had my vehicle stopped by PC RunningSheep, i was refused an answer to the quesiton of why was i forced into a motorway barrier and halted. PC RunningSheep repeatedly bellowed for me to exit my vehicle. He knew i was wanted. He refused to tell me he had bull as a reason for stopping me and only wanted me out of the vehicle so he could troll me with a so-called random stop and search which by alleged accident granted PC RunningSheep the ability to have a wanted criminal on the ground, out of a vehicle in front of him. I don`t need video footage for something as simple as this :

*** The allegation was i was possibly driving a stolen vehicle.

*** By informing me of the allegation that PC RunningSheep had as justification for forcing me off the road before asking me to exit the vehicle would have resulted in my person not exiting the vehicle.

*** My reason for not exiting the vehicle was simply there is no evidence / witness / information to support the personal allegation of PC RunningSheep. Which makes this a case of Police harassment in-game.

Someone please explain why i exited a vehicle knowing the allegation was false?. I had a wanted level. I did not have to exit the vehicle based on false grounds yet was not told the allegation. All i was repeatedly told was to exit the vehicle. Only an idiot would get out of their vehicle based on the trololol by PC RunningSheep. I got out because i was not going to tolerate being mistreated by this person who was abusing my gaming time with intent for personal satisfaction.



I was driving on the motorway at 70MPH, max speed for my truck. I drove responsibly on the correct lane and the vehicle had no damage. I caused no disturbance to passers-by nor caused injury and / or death. I had not visited any drug areas and my vehicle was empty. I made no signals to alert Police and draw attention to myself. I roleplayed as a drug transporter would, driving and conducting myself in a civil manner to blend in.

I was stopped by PC RunningSheep and ordered to exit my vehicle after he tried to halt my vehicle for no reason in the middle of a motorway, i tried to drive on as there was no justification for stopping me but i was halted. I asked why. PC RunningSheep refused to tell me in several attempts of asking from inside my vehicle. I was ordered to exit the vehicle repeatedly until i complied. Once i did so i was told the grounds for my vehicle being stopped was it possibly being stolen. My vehicle was not stolen. PC RunningSheep has no evidence / witnesses/ information to justify the intial allegation which PC RunningSheep claimed gave him justification for stopping me.

Once i exited the vehicle I told PC RunningSheep im wanted by Police , i said he knew it and this is not roleplay because aggressively forcing my vehicle into a motorway barrier based on the personal excuse of PC RunningSheep sighting i was possibly driving a stolen vehicle is excessive.

 I also informed PC RunningSheep he refused to tell me why i was ordered to exit my vehicle until after i exited. He would not tell me because the allegation was a lie from him with nothing to back it up and its obvious to both PC RunningSheep and i that i would not get out of the vehicle if i knew the allegation. I was unfairly forced to exit my vehicle and expressed it.

I was practically shouted down and also sworn at once in an effort to shut me up. I refused to continue communicating after that but had to continue soon after as PC RunningSheep would not leave me alone. I said its harassment and explained why but was interrupted by PC RunningSheep when i said he was aggressive in how he initially made contact - read above, ramming vehicle on motorway based on personal opinion of possible stolen car, refusal to tell me why i was stopped before i exited the vehicle, clearly excessive and aggressive.

When i was fed up of being repeatedly interupted i went silent and was placed in a Police car and taken to Jail...


POINTS OF NOTE REGARDING 3) PC RunningSheep`s over-all actions and behaviour from an in-game serious roleplaying perspective.

The truck was not stolen. It was mine. If i was told the allegation before i was ordered to exit the vehicle i would not exit, i would drive away as there is no reason to halt me. If it continued i could sight harassment by Police. Also due to the allegation having no weight, no evidence, no witnesses, no information of any type, i could refuse to give my ID details to Police as there would be no grounds to do so. The only way i can be stopped by Police is if i give good reason for them to approuch me. Good reason such as :

1) If the driver is driving on the wrong lane.

2) If the driver is being irresponsible,causing disturbance on the road to passers-by in vehicles and / or otherwise.

3) If the driver causes damage to property, injury and / or death.

4) If the vehicle is KNOWN to be stolen or fits the discription of a vehicle KNOWN to have been stolen.

In all four instances reciept of factual information is required before an Officer can proceed.

Stopping someone on the basis they may be driving a stolen car without any form of evidence / witnesses / information to proceed is not part of legitimate Police process at all .Its not something which is tolerated in real life nor serious roleplay games. If Police want to continue so-called random stop and searches please do not include alleged stolen vehicles when you have no record of a stolen vehicle fitting the discription alongside other facts to support it. Its not realistic, its akin to Police farming people on the sever when Police want a quick thrill. Actually unless this is addressed it is possibly PC RunningSheep farming people for fun.

The mans name is RUNNING SHEEP, what sheep does the man think he is running?. Because the way he tried to punk me shows he treats people like sheep.

In the case of PC RunningSheep claiming the vehicle i was driving was possibly stolen please produce the original call made to say there was a stolen red and blue truck in my specific area at the moment PC RunningSheep entered my personal space. In terms of realisim can anyone provide anything to defend the point of view of PC RunningSheep because otherwise my gaming time was squandered. If no mobile call or note exists in defence of PC RunningSheep then i would like to proceed with that in mind.

PC RunningSheep produced an act of roleplay Police misconduct against me by placing a personal stamp on the situation. It afforded the ability to ram my truck into a motorway barrier when i was driving at the max speed of 70MPH for my vehicle. It endangered my RP charaters life and that of possible passers-by on a main motorway all on the basis of a personal opinion of PC RunningSheep. I was not fully informed the reason why this occured by PC RunningSheep. I repeatedly asked why my vehicle was forced to halt and was refused an answer by PC RunningSheep whom repeatedly bellowing for me to exit my vehicle.

I am entitled to know the reason why my vehicle is stopped before exiting. Police dont scream for someone to get out of a vehicle. If the reason for being halted is not conveyed in normal instances to the citizen normal policy cannot proceed. In the real world Police have to inform fully to gain co-opperation. British Police work on the basis of trust and consent, please read Home Office documentation if required.

Ive been stopped and searched in real life. I was stopped. Told the reason why, where the allegation came from ( public call of house break-in and i fitted the discription ) and asked for my co-opperation. I agreed, gave my ID and it was found i could go as its a mistake. Im seeing Police roleplay like Cops off TV. Its not realistic at all and Altis Life Police cannot be a law unto themselves as seen with PC RunningSheep.

Also please view Home Office documentation on the limitation of the power of stop and search. Please read up on the factual information wherein it established random stop and search has to be justified and only at that point can Police follow up and enquire about personal ID with the co-opperation of the suspect. Should the suspect fail to co-opperate the Police may escort the suspect to a Police station for questioning / detention. However, as seen in my case the intial reason for halting my vehicle was unjustified and based wholey on the personal stamp of PC RunningSheep which means i was perfectly entitled to drive away and not have to exit my vehicle.

By informing me of the allegation of my person allegedly driving a stolen vehicle i am entitled to ask where the allegation came from. The moment i am told its the personal opinion of the Police Officer whom rammed my vehicle into a motorway barrier i can drive away calling him a nutter whilst remaining in character on Altis.



1) scan all vehicles in passing
2) Locate a wanted driver
3) stage a false allegation of the vehicle possibly being stolen so as to gain ability to halt the vehicle with extreme force
4) refuse / fail to inform the driver of the allegation which allegedly justifies being halted
5) Repeatedly order the driver to exit the vehicle
6) Once the wanted driver is out of vehicle it is easy to arrest and charge the wanted criminal.
7) If the driver refuses to co-opperate with the trololol proceed to stand there implying all burden of failing to roleplay is on the shoulders of the driver.
8) Once driver returns proceed to arrest and send to Jail.
9) Trolololol complete

With the greatest of respect to all dont take me for an idiot. I got trolololed by a dude named "Running Sheep" with the above nonsense. No more randomn stop and searches based on false allegations of stolen vehicles and calling it roleplay. Its trolling. If the Officer cannot find reason to halt a wanted driver legitimately then dont make one up based on the one thing which does not require : 1) a damaged tire and / or damaged vehicle on the road, 2) driving on the wrong lane, 3) endangering people, property or otherwise. Its wrong to claim roleplay in such way knowning it does not require a visual or communicated confirmation there is reason to halt the driver legitimately.

Thank you for reading and taking the matter seriously. If it can be resolved i will return , if not i will not return. Police cant defend this type of so-called random stop and search of suspected stolen vehicles. Its exploitation in plain sight.



Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
Time & Date this happened:
Which Server did this happen on:
Description of what happened:
What Rule Was Broken ?:
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)
2306 words 13012 characters. 

I respect your spare time.

PC DeFrag

I am posting this as a CSI and a Mentor

Officers that are not involved in the incident are not permitted to post, and further posts from officers on this thread will result in you being taken through the police disciplinary procedure, I ask a forum moderator/admin to issue warning points where needed.

I appologise for officers posting here and I will be monitoring officers closely.


CSI Fuel

Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
Time & Date this happened:
Which Server did this happen on:
Description of what happened:
What Rule Was Broken ?:
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)
Speaking as a mentor:

If you actually read the post, he did use the template at the beginning....

I just found this thread, got a message in my inbox, very sorry if this has caused issue. No offence was intended. The great detail was to assist in the over-all view that the concept of stopping drivers in such way is not fair role play and I can speed type blindfolded so it did not take long to write. Sorry.

It is not the full responsibility of PC RunningSheep in this particular instance. Its the advocacy of such behaviour which promotes people like PC RunningSheep to act as he did.

Im sure RunningSheep is a nice guy, I hold no grudge I only ask he and others not do this please. In terms of the gentleman`s name I can only ask he consider its suggestiveness in line with how he treated me.  I can only report in on a forum and don't have ts installed. I fear the words appear strong yet if I spoke them my tone would convey a calm approach. I don't want anyone`s head on a stick. That's unfair and immature.

Laters :)

Mr Solo I have two questions for you. Are you the person who's POV we can see and  where is the evidence against Runningsheep?

Hello sir, I don't know what a POV is but I am Solo from server 1, im logged into TS right now waiting for a mentor to address this.

In terms of evidence I have sod all :D  and I fully appreciate evidence is required however I felt its simply put that I would not RP exiting my vehicle if I did not know the reason why. In substitution of evidence a volume of written material ( long post ) was produced - im new and don't know how to use video capture. 

I think thats a link to video which was on the template I copied. I could not locate the original template.My mistake. I don't have video.

I spoke to a nice guy on TS, he said its to late to speak about the issue. I have to wait up to one week for a reply from this forum.

So what you are saying is everyone here has to have your personal standards of how to role play each situation?

No sir im not saying, and I quote "So what you are saying is everyone here has to have your personal standards of how to role play each situation?"

I mean that PC RunningSheep did do wrong but he he was in the belief it was acceptable. that`s me being kind to him but also addressing the wider Police role play on the server about one specific issue - informing the driver. However Its not my personal standard mate. This is basic stuff my friend.

 With all due respect sir this is a stupid argument. Not from you but dear God :( .

Look, you all play surreal / serious pew pew  TV Police role play and not serious Police role play. That's fine.

But only a dumb-shit believes a Police Officer  can demand someone exit a vehicle and not say why. Everyone knows basic Police conduct. So if you guys are to ignore such basic stuff why claim its my personal standards!?! If you cant do the basics you cant claim to be role play Police. On the rules it shows Police in-game have to provide high quality role play. If you cant get the basics right you are not role playing Police. End off. Ive been misinformed.

Its the same if someone role played an NHS worker but did not heal anyone and instead shot everyone they met. Then that person says " im role playing a NHS worker". It would make no sense. Not a perfect example sir but you get the idea.

Unfortunately the  off-loading of basic , basic, basic Police conduct onto my shoulders makes it appears im moaning about personal standards... Its not my personal standard, its the most basic Police conduct. Which you lot are intentionally avoiding in Police role play so it can be used to entertain the pew pew TV Police role players. The instance I had cost me the better part of an hour gaming. Why should log in to get stuff, meet Police online in that specific way and then stay online to complete a Jail term. Im wasting my gaming time to be honest. If it were a decent role play id be happy to be involved.

 You all role play and exclude simple things like informing the driver why the have to leave the vehicle.  Police in-game can bully someone to exit a vehicle by repeatedly demanding they exit the vehicle and then only reveal the allegation once the driver has exited. I am also gaming yknow, not just the role play Officer. I am not A. I. Its not OK to have a totally fake allegation used to justify pulling over a wanted criminal driving in a reasonable way.

To be fair any normal and reasonable person would defend the basic view that yes, all people on the server are entitled to decent levels of role play and indeed anyone stopped by Police in-game should expect a decent role play by the Officer which includes being told the reason for being pulled over.

The view you all seem to protect is one of Police can scan any vehicle and use it wrongly as they see fit by staging a stolen car allegation so the wanted driver can be rammed off the road. Once done repeatedly bellow for the driver to exit the vehicle. Once outside reveal the allegation which is fake but its OK as the stop can be justified because the driver was wanted...why cant you see that is wrong?. Its disturbing mate and makes me believe my gaming is best done elsewhere.

If you told someone they can be stopped in the way I was anyone with half a brain would figure out that there is no point driving responsibly to avoid Police ( ruining my role play ) nor is there reason to run single player drug runs online because the cops can scan and make a fake stolen vehicle allegation and stop me - more ruining my role play. It would be a silly gaming time investment because I did not join a server to role play Police misconduct and be mistreated. What is this? the Police misconduct role play server where you can be mistreated and file a complaint, I don't want that role play lol.

Its simple, if Police cant provide basic Police role play in the way ive explained then no problem ill leave. Im only asking to be told why im pulled over. Its not my fault the second the Police tells me its an allegation he made up with no in-game  witness/ information/ evidence to justify the allegation I can drive away. That means officers cant stop me with lies when im wanted. Im not allowed a fair role play. I should be allowed that role play so the situations are fair for all. If its a lie I drive on, if its a real reason, I get out and give ID.

Truth is I had a genuine top class role play when i joined the server initially. Police caught me in the act and I did not see them. They waited and caught me spot on perfect then totally swept me away with their role play. I even told my wife because I was impressed with the scenario, it was wicked. Then I met PC RunningSheep... So you can understand im not against the server Police, I had a great time but what PC RunningSheep did left me considering if im wasting my time on the server.

Thank you sir.

God Bless

Please drop the complaint / report a player, it was about 24 hours ago, its a game, im very sure you are all friendly and fun people. We all have lives , families and things to do. My feedback on suggestions came after the PC RunningSheep issue, I posted thinking I may as well explain a few things about what ive seen thus far in the game given the report about RunningSheep. Wish I didn't do either now lol :D  

If you can delete both threads that would be great as they serve no purpose and only fan the flame.

Im not crusading for a simple RP request to be told why I have to exit a vehicle, its a small thing which now wastes everyone`s time . You guys play on. Love to all.


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