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PC Reece ( Rejected )

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Dora Raymen

Well-known member
Huddersfield, England, UK
After a massive wind up on being arrested as soon as I left my house after spawning in and walkin next to a police car. I for some reason was made to pay a 25000 ticket! For attempted vehicle theft, this was issued by a PCSO, clearly someone not reading their handbook once again. I myself am a PC, and I know dam right that AVT is only a 2500 fine. Now I didn't even try to steal a car! I walked out of my house, and PC Reece apparently heard me say "smash in the windows and steal the car!" Which is a completely false accusation. Also, when being tased as soon as leaving my house, my friend and I said to the PCSO, why are you wearing that carrier rig, and he said "VERBAL ABUSE!!" And seconds after that. PC Reece shouted "SHUT THE FUCK UP, WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF A FUCKING OPERATION HE HAS MY CONSENT TO WEAR THAT VEST NOW MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS!" We were then taken to the station, made to pay the fine which I did pay. Then PC Reece came over and said "I don't want anymore fucking trouble from you! If I hear anymore about you I will come and smash your skull in to a million pieces" and then tried to say I didn't pay the ticket!! So long story short.

We were arrested for leaving our property

Fined 25000 ( PC Dave Williams compensated me 10k as he thought it was completely unfair how they treated us )

Then verbally abused And threatened

Also they refused to believe that we were fellow off duty officers, which we were. All in all, PC Reece, is a douche, oh, and also PC endrogen. He was in on this too.

Sorry that this has happened to you bud. Could I grab you Police name as I would like to speak to you later to sort this out.

Could a lovely Forum Mod move this to PCC as I will deal with it from here.

As Vinc3nt has explained, you should follow the template that is provided and produce any evidence you have as that would be quite helpful.

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First of all don't lie. I never swore at you our shouted, I did say you were in the middle of an operation but not once did I scream at you. I did say don't cause anymore trouble or ill smash you into a million pieces (In a sarcastic tone). Never once did I abuse you over mic.

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Hi Dora,

I'm incredibly disappointed that you would post this report without consulting me first. You have not been entirely truthful with your report, so I'll take the time to fill in the gaps and set the scene.

In the early hours of the morning on the 21/03/15 the gang BG and the police were involved in a bank operation. BG managed to escape with several trucks of gold, and a police ambush at the gold seller was set up.  Once the trucks arrived combat was initiated, and for a period of over 20 minutes there was a large scale active fire fight next to the gold seller. 

Towards the end of the operation, when the vehicles were being inpounded I seen, and heard yourself and your friend trying to steal my police vehicle. I sent my CSO around the back of the building to disperse you, when you started shouting abuse at the CSO for wearing a carrier vest. After several minutes of you shouting abuse and telling "CSO Blueberry shithead" to " Fuck off" I intervened and shouted from the window of the house I was taking cover in, that the CSO was under my Jurisdiction at the time and if you did not shut your mouth immediately I would be sending you to jail for abusing an officer. I then instructed the CSO to restrain you both, and escort you to the Kavala HQ.

10 minutes later when the operation had been fully locked down and peace had been returned to kavala I returned to the Kavala HQ to store the weapons I seized and deal with the remaining prisoners at the HQ.

When I arrived back at the HQ, I could hear straight away with the level of aggression and defiance in your voice that you would be an absolute nightmare to deal with. I stored the weapons I had seized of dead gang members and came over to deal with you.

At this point I was called to speak to BG Superhitman and BG Oneshot on Team speak, regarding questions related to the operations. When I returned 4 or 5 minutes later you were still shouting abuse at the CSO even after you had been prompted to calm yourself on several occasions.  

PC Reece could see the CSO beginning to struggle, so he took over and assertively told you to be quite and that if you did not start listening or do as you were told, you would be sent to prison. PC Reece asked me in teamspeak what you had done, and I explained how you had attempted to steal my vehicle and that you had been abusive to my CSO. I Instructed PC Reece to Issue you a 25,000 Ticket and send you on your way.

After you had paid the ticket, you ran outside of the Kavala HQ and started discharging your firearm into the air, you then ran off laughing and that was the last time I seen you that evening.

You have Lied on your forum post, and missed out the key essential details of you both being agressive to police officers, and trolling in an active fire fight.

I have spoken to SI Walt, and I am more than willing to discuss the events of the evening over teamspeak if you see fit.

Kind Regards,

PC Endrogen


Process not followed, also there is a Police complaints commision forum setup for this, please use it.

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