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PC Not Performing To Its Capabilities


Well-known member
Saudi Arabia
Hello there, ever since I bought my gaming PC 7-8 months old, I felt like it has never played up to its max performance, I'm not looking to over clocking it any time soon so I decided to ask and see what everyone's in-game settings are and how many frames they get in Kavala, Middle of no where like weed field and like Agios, all on a full server.

Video Settings



I7 4790 3.6GHZ

780 TI MSI Twin Frozr 3gb

MSI Mother Board ACK (Something like that)

Corsair H100I Water Cooling

Kingston Hyper X Fury 512GB SSD

16gb Ram


Kavala: 19-25FPS and keeps lagging while driving and shooting.

Agios: 21-28FPS same again but bear in mind, sometimes I cant even drive into Agios because of the sudden drops.

Weed Field: 40-80 FPS seems fine and smooth.

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All of your settings look fine do you have all the latest drivers downloaded  ? if you do try lowering a few things to see if you get better FPS ?

Have you unparked your CPU?

Do you shift - 'flush' to refresh your graphics in-game?

don't run anything else in the background if possible

If you're using shadowplay, don't use the 'high' in graphics settings

Terrain doesn't really make a difference if it's low or ultra, so just turn it low if you want, i guess.

have view distance at roughly 3-4km with a object rendering of roughly 1.5-8km.

you can turn FSAA to just x4

you don't need aniso filtering on ultra tbh either

bloom is pointless, just makes your screen blurry.

I have ASUS GPU TWEAK II- helps my FPS a bit.

I have no idea why people use such high view distances, its pointless especially on altis life.

I have a 780ti also and average 25-35 in Kavala / Agios, saying that I have my View Distance at 1200 and Object at 1000.

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CPU Is unparked, I Don't record, I'll try everything that you suggested Samat.

A small tip what always help me and my frames.

when you launch arma 3 got to

Task manager --> Details --> arma3.exe right click and set the priority to real time. (Only do this if you have a decent cooler)

(you will have to do this every time you restart the arma 3 client)

Another tip

go to the arma 3 launcher, and go to advanced perimeters and change your cpu core count to 4. (Since you have an I7)

Hope this helps a little.

go to the arma 3 launcher, and go to advanced perimeters and change your cpu core count to 4. (Since you have an I7)
My processor has 6 cores. Would it be ok for me to put it to 6? I'm trying to increase my FPS as well..

Thanks for your guy's help, I'll try everything later today, seeing as black Friday is nearly here any upgrade suggestions?

Right so I tried everything and put my view distance at 2k object and 2k overall or something like that, for some reason changing video settings like terrain shadow etc doesn't change anything for my frames.

Right so I tried everything and put my view distance at 2k object and 2k overall or something like that, for some reason changing video settings like terrain shadow etc doesn't change anything for my frames.
I personally have object at around 1.5km and view distance at 3km. Try and keep it to half. 

Turn off bloom, if you have NVIDIA GeForce experience use the Arma 3 optimisation and set that to performance and tweak it from there ( the shit thing gives me better clouds than house lol)

if you are on monitor set your NVIDIA settings or whatever to single display performance mode, and texture to maximum performance, if I remember I'll gyazo it when I'm at my PC later.

as suggested use ASUS GPU tweak II or any other application like it

try running without recording software ( risky I know but just to see the difference)

set arma 3 to high priority in your processes through the task manager

mske sure you have the correct custom parameters for your set up

did you unpark the CPU? If not then I suggest you do

Im struggling to think of what else so I'll tag @Zeito because he's now known as the smart Arse around here ;)  ( maybe we should get you a 'Smartie' forum tag?! ;)  )

I personally have object at around 1.5km and view distance at 3km. Try and keep it to half. 

Turn off bloom, if you have NVIDIA GeForce experience use the Arma 3 optimisation and set that to performance and tweak it from there ( the shit thing gives me better clouds than house lol)

if you are on monitor set your NVIDIA settings or whatever to single display performance mode, and texture to maximum performance, if I remember I'll gyazo it when I'm at my PC later.

as suggested use ASUS GPU tweak II or any other application like it

try running without recording software ( risky I know but just to see the difference)

set arma 3 to high priority in your processes through the task manager

mske sure you have the correct custom parameters for your set up

did you unpark the CPU? If not then I suggest you do

Im struggling to think of what else so I'll tag @Zeito because he's now known as the smart Arse around here ;)  ( maybe we should get you a 'Smartie' forum tag?! ;)  )
These are all pretty standard suggestions, I cant think of anything on top. Though the only thing i will say is if i let nvidia optomise arma i get 30ish fps, if i go into armas settings and hit ultra, it's much smoother. So I'd suggest just try the basics and try ultra, then high, find one that's stable, then work from there @TI Wolf

@Samatlewiss I asked about forum tags before but i have to get to 500 posts first! :(

All i have to say here is

<-------------------------------- LOOK AT MY AVATAR


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Gonna post is here aswell.

If you get around 25 - 35 fps in kavala center with many people then that's normal. outside kavala centre you should be looking at 40 - 50 ish depending on players. everything outside cities should get you atleast 60 - 90 fps.

Have you checked your powerplan? mine was running on power saver and when i changed it to the best one it had a huge difference for me.

check with program called 'hwmonitor' what load your getting on your cpu

Try turning down your graphigs to high that should force more on your cpu rather then your gpu. also drop the viewing distance, you dont need that.

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