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Panda Banned


New member
Name in-game : Panda

Player Id: 76561198064470747

Reason for ban : RDM

I've just recently started playing Arma 3 overall and especially AltisLife itself is new to me so I didn't really know what I was doing most of the time, Someone on the street told me a cop restrained him for no reason so i went on top of the police HQ and shot a few of them. I regret it and I'll make sure to re-read the rules again If I do get a chance to be unbanned.

Thanks for reading


OK. Thanks for coming to the forums to state your case. If you're serious about returning, please understand that we'll now expect you to re-read the rules BEFORE we let you back in, rather than afterwards!

If you can tell me WHY your actions were sufficient to get you banned, that'd help. Go find the relevant, specific section of the rules and post them here. Then we know you know, and so does everyone else, if you get my drift. Then there'll be less chance of it happening again.

Over to you...

a) RDM / VDM, cheating and exploiting will always result in a permanent ban.

I understand now, been playing on a couple of other altis life servers and well yeah no more rdming..

OK. Good. Bear in mind there is no third-chance. This is it.

Give me your BattlEye GUID (not your Arma3 PlayerId that starts with 7 above), and the exact text of the message you see when you're kicked trying to join (if that isn't it above).

Send it to me by PM. Note - if you send me your playerid instead of the BE-GUID, I will ignore the PM.
