''Our ban system has transitioned from a permanent ban system to an automated timed ban system where the ban length and rule number will be listed in the ban reason. These bans will automatically expire at the time given in the ban reason, for that reason we will not be accepting ban appeals for any timed ban. You should be aware however that some rules still carry permanent bans and these are listed below in bold.The length of your ban are the following:1st Ban - 24 hour ban
2nd Ban - 48 hour ban
3rd Ban - 1 Week Ban
4th Ban - Permanent Ban (Requires Appeal)
This will reset every six months from your last ban to give players a clean slate for continued good behaviour, it should be recognised however that staff may use their discretion to determine if players are using this system to their advantage to facilitate their breaking of rules. Repeated offences of the same rulebreak will escalate up the scale faster. If you receive a 24 hour ban for RDM (A1.2 & G1.2), get unbanned and RDM a second time within 6 months you will move to a 1 week ban.''
I personally think this system is flawed.
1. The escalation to a permanent is way too early
It can be more like
3 Reset.
Instead of waiting six months, you could shorten the reset period to 3 months or even 2 months. This would give players a reasonable window to show improved behavior while still allowing them to "reset" their record periodically. But players have to be active more or less, not constantly offline but also maybe entering for a time once or twice a week.
Rather than having a hard reset for everyone after a fixed period, the reset could be linked to the severity of the offenses. For example:
After a certain number of infractions and people who abuse the system can be placed into a 6 month cooldown then. The time frame staff can do it is also with no time frame as the unban appeals. (only in extreme cases 6 months should be justified)
5. Blacklist for System Abusers
Introducing a blacklist system where players who are caught exploiting the ban reset system are added to a "watch list" for future offenses. If they try to evade bans or abuse resets again, their penalties can be further escalated with much longer ban periods or permanent bans.
But of course Cheating should be a permanent ban instantly.
Exploiting depends in which form should be a month.
Also Staff should have more freedom in giving bans if someone is on a permanent ban 6 months cooldown Staff should STILL be allowed to give a ban of like 1 day or 2 days, if the person who did it showed good behaviour in the last months. If someone rdms for the 100th time. It can be a perma. But RDM can happen. Especially when someone gets an unban and is on a 6 month cooldown. This system is just unfair to the people who commit to roleplay. To the Server. And then because they lose their temperament once after some months they are back to a perma. With unlucky cases not being able to get unbanned because the door is getting closed instantly after few bans.
I don't support fragging or win mentality at all. But I think this system ensures way more fairness.
I think it's way more important that Staff members have more flexbility in giving bans to players or just giving them a warning instead even if they got a warning already, if they commit in showing good behaviour, rather than being forced and more or less having no flexibility of giving out punishments than ''You got banned 5 months ago, you RDMed but you were never toxic, didn't have a decline in RP, and after all you are just a good person, yeah but sadly still perma''
2nd Ban - 48 hour ban
3rd Ban - 1 Week Ban
4th Ban - Permanent Ban (Requires Appeal)
This will reset every six months from your last ban to give players a clean slate for continued good behaviour, it should be recognised however that staff may use their discretion to determine if players are using this system to their advantage to facilitate their breaking of rules. Repeated offences of the same rulebreak will escalate up the scale faster. If you receive a 24 hour ban for RDM (A1.2 & G1.2), get unbanned and RDM a second time within 6 months you will move to a 1 week ban.''
I personally think this system is flawed.
1. The escalation to a permanent is way too early
It can be more like
- 1st Ban: 24 hours
- 2nd Ban: 48 hours
- 3rd Ban: 1 week
- 4th Ban: 1 month (instead of permanent)
- 5th Ban: Permanent ban
3 Reset.
Instead of waiting six months, you could shorten the reset period to 3 months or even 2 months. This would give players a reasonable window to show improved behavior while still allowing them to "reset" their record periodically. But players have to be active more or less, not constantly offline but also maybe entering for a time once or twice a week.
- 1st Infraction (Month 1): 24 hours ban, record logged.
- 2nd Infraction (Month 2): 48 hours ban, record logged.
- Clean Slate (Month 2-3): If no infractions during the next month, reset the record.
- This would create a more "clean slate" that rewards consistent good behavior.
Rather than having a hard reset for everyone after a fixed period, the reset could be linked to the severity of the offenses. For example:
- Minor Infractions (e.g., trolling, spamming): Reset after 1-2 months if behavior improves.
- Severe Infractions (e.g., RDM, exploiting): Reset after 3 months.
After a certain number of infractions and people who abuse the system can be placed into a 6 month cooldown then. The time frame staff can do it is also with no time frame as the unban appeals. (only in extreme cases 6 months should be justified)
5. Blacklist for System Abusers
Introducing a blacklist system where players who are caught exploiting the ban reset system are added to a "watch list" for future offenses. If they try to evade bans or abuse resets again, their penalties can be further escalated with much longer ban periods or permanent bans.
But of course Cheating should be a permanent ban instantly.
Exploiting depends in which form should be a month.
Also Staff should have more freedom in giving bans if someone is on a permanent ban 6 months cooldown Staff should STILL be allowed to give a ban of like 1 day or 2 days, if the person who did it showed good behaviour in the last months. If someone rdms for the 100th time. It can be a perma. But RDM can happen. Especially when someone gets an unban and is on a 6 month cooldown. This system is just unfair to the people who commit to roleplay. To the Server. And then because they lose their temperament once after some months they are back to a perma. With unlucky cases not being able to get unbanned because the door is getting closed instantly after few bans.
I don't support fragging or win mentality at all. But I think this system ensures way more fairness.
I think it's way more important that Staff members have more flexbility in giving bans to players or just giving them a warning instead even if they got a warning already, if they commit in showing good behaviour, rather than being forced and more or less having no flexibility of giving out punishments than ''You got banned 5 months ago, you RDMed but you were never toxic, didn't have a decline in RP, and after all you are just a good person, yeah but sadly still perma''
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