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OreoBB (Action: Ban Issued 02/02/2015)

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): OreoBB
Time & Date this happened: approx 4:10am 30/01/2015
Which Server did this happen on: Server 1
Description of what happened: I spotted OreoBB taking a truck out at Kavala garage and decided to follow. Found him at the copper mine and sneaked up on him and started a robbery scenario. Asked him to raised his hands and then give me the keys and at that point he broke RP to get out of giving me the keys and then ran off and shot at me.
I wouldn't have minded if he were genuinely struggling with the menu, but the fact is he was using a mining pick when I got there and clearly knew his way around the controls, he simply bluffed with out-of-RP talk to avoid being robbed.
What Rule Was Broken ?: 3C) Out of character questions need to be written in the chat, in order to not interrupt the roleplay on the server. 
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: He logged off straight after I shot him and he wasn't in TS.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after):

Just to add to this I overheard OreoBB at the garage saying to a relatively new player "If you are going to get robbed, do whatever you can to blow the truck up, you will die but you will get everything back" Didn't have it recorded, I just thought that an attitude like that was rather poor.


@CowBells As I said I do not have proof, but as I am sure you can agree an attitude as stated above is poor and not welcome on the server and it shows that the player atleast knows what he is doing in the server.

This report is about breaking RP as is the situation I described above, whilst it is a different insistence, is breaking the same rule. This shows that it was not a one off instance, further to rule mentioned above it also shows little respect for rule number 1 (Cheating, Hacking & Exploiting).

If you still have a problem with anything I have written here please report it to @Neo or @Reverend (Our forum moderators) from whom I will gladly except warnings from if they feel I have spoken out of place. 

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just to add to this I overheard OreoBB at the garage saying to a relatively new player "If you are going to get robbed, do whatever you can to blow the truck up, you will die but you will get everything back" Didn't have it recorded, I just thought that an attitude like that was rather poor
First off, I have no association with this guy, and I normally stay away from breaking the rules of not commenting on incidents that don't concern me, but... you have no evidence to support that and that is not related to this incident whatsoever. Once you delete your comment I will delete mine.

I appreciate the post @Simon., I've seen complaints about the guy but I didn't articulate this in my OP. His behaviour isn't fitting with the ruleset and I'm glad I caught him red handed.

Sorry about the slowmo at the end, I was messing around with time acceleration in movie maker for the first time!

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afe79d88fd76fb3dc99440e0d270db20 -1 OreoBB - Forum Report 02/02/2015

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