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Operation Barras

Okay solution coming here, Stop crying TKC/TI, whatever topic made with a TKC / TI name included, you just simply go defensive even though it was only ment for fun.

This message is my solution.

TI do you remember the days when you had a base at the pearl trader, and you were fighting with me and the rest of the (Real) LoA.

We declared a war against eachother, which resulted in daily banter, raiding, war, death, and hard feelings, and this is how it is turning out now for both TI and TKC against other gangs at the moment.

We went to the conclusion to arrange a war in a city, with admin permission, a marshall law, everyone seen in there was seen as hostiles. while there were parked vehicles with weapons inside aswell.

this went on a round of 2-3 times, one gang vs gang, the seconds gangs + allies vs gangs + allies, and the last one i do not remember.

So my suggestion is why not declare a war toward the gangs provoking and harrasing you, to settle the score.

TI+TKC vs the "enemy" gangs. and then stop whining and crying everytime your gang name is being mentioned, i have alot of respect for alot of members of both gangs, and it is sad to see others drag it down.

This is not a offensive post towards you, but maybe just an idea. what do you think?


No one from TI has made a salty post unless you include Jakes "cringe" gif

AEGIS, being a Security Company rather than a gang, will not declare war.

However repeated actions towards AEGIS will result in us treating you as a hostile gang and all our members will be informed to watch out for you.

No one from TI has made a salty post unless you include Jakes "cringe" gif
This aint about being salty, this is about making things straight between everyone now, this whole banter and whining have been here for too long now, and it has to end sooner or later, this is about a solution. nothing else.

To be fair, they were planning this all day, even asking part-time AEGIS members from the cops to join in.

They didn't plan on no one on!

I'm sure they'll do it again, give you guys a heads up. 

Now I would be even more impressed if some folks were to come together and stop other gangs from their middle of the night drug runs when no cops are on *HINT HINT NUDGE NUDGE*


Ok everyone lets just turn this into another I hate TKC thread just because. You lot really need to stop crying and just deal with somethings.

Sorry did not mean to point this at all of you but some people see a fun thread involving TKC and take it as a chance to complain.
From all of ESA, we have nothing against anyone, heck we haven't even met in-game I believe.

We joined because.. Who doesn't like shooting? 

We had fun :)

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Ok everyone lets just turn this into another I hate TKC thread just because. You lot really need to stop crying and just deal with somethings.

Sorry did not mean to point this at all of you but some people see a fun thread involving TKC and take it as a chance to complain.
I have never had a problem with the TKC, yeah i have been kidnapped, and killed by them, but is was really good RP on there end, so i don't understand why people jump on the hate train, but the operation looked like a lot off fun, sorta sad, i could not be involved.

AEGIS, being a Security Company rather than a gang, will not declare war.

However repeated actions towards AEGIS will result in us treating you as a hostile gang and all our members will be informed to watch out for you.