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Open Broadcast Software Black Screen with Arma 3??? Help!

Jason Smith

Maple Syrup is love, Maple Syrup is life!
So ever since the new Arma 3 update I have noticed that I cannot record Arma 3 with OBS. Everytime I record Arma 3 with OBS it is always a black screen and I am not sure why. This has been happening too another person on the server and I have tried too find a reason for why this is happening, I have tried running the software in Admin mode and I don't feel like running Arma 3 in windowed even though I feel like there is no other Choice. Please help...

When you select your game, check those boxes right below, because if "Anti-cheat" thingy isnt selected, select it.

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Double click your game capture module and ensure this option is selected. I have this a lot, I think for some reason OBS Conflicts with BattlEye...


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Are you sure you run the program as administrator? Maybe that will fix it. 
