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one shot NLR Anonymous RDM

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Ali E

Ban-rifle success
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):eek:ne shot and Anonymous
Time & Date this happened:19.01.2015 around 15.00-15.32 English time
Which Server did this happen on:Server 2
Description of what happened:I have robbed one shot i stole his money and hemmt after that he kept coming back for 5 times i couldnt recorded it all but when i killed him the fourth time i decided to record it and i am glad i did because while i was talking to him and telling him not to break the NLR from chat Anonymous came behind me and shot me without any kind of RP and i wouldnt reported him if they were friends but they have no relations
What Rule Was Broken ?:NLR and RDM
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:Yes one shot told me fuck the rule and Anonymous's defend was it was second time on the server.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)

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I 've just read the rules and I see that I am wrong was i wanted so save the person one shot but is was there apparently been wrong in I know the rules now so this certainly will not happen again , I hope you want give me one more chance  I have tried to arrange this with the reporter but he want help me , I do not have many hours on the game also thank you for your time , I hope you will get out of the discussion

greetz Anonymous

its not against the rules to try to get my tuck back.i didnt say fuck the rule stop lying !!!!!

The NLR is quite explicit - when you are killed by someone you forget everything that led up to your death and you cannot come back to where you died within 1000m of your death for 15mins. On top of that it also states you cannot seek revenge.

You are in this thread openly admitting to the fact that after he killed you, you went back to try and seek revenge (reclaim your truck).

Rule 6: The New Life Rule

A new life means that your character has lost all previous memories. It still is the character you play, i.e. it is still part of the rebels or cops and it still knows all his friends. Your character just forgets what was leading to that death. 

The only exception to this is your wanted level, In our latest release bounty levels are now persistent over deaths to enable long winded police chases and bounty hunter chases... without this we wont have police and bounty hunters tracking down the person and the person being on the run for weeks/days.

Example: Matt, John and Ben are rebels who try to rob the bank. During the shootout with the cops, Matt and Ben die, John get's arrested and spends some time in jail. When they all meet again, they all would roleplay the situation in a way that they all tried to get away, because they realized that they couldn't handle the situation. Matt and Ben got away, though John got caught. If the players want to have the deaths involved, they might tell stories of other rebels that died there, who were with them initially. 
6A) A new life starts, when
  • Your character has been killed by a cop
  • Your character has died in a RP situation.
  • Your character has been involved in an accident

6B) A new life does not start when
  • Your character has been the victim of RDM/VDM (Unless inside of the RedZone)
  • You disconnect (end of session)

6C) You are not allowed to seek revenge when you die!
6D) You are not allowed to return within 1000m of where you was killed within 15 minutes after you have been killed!
sorry again for the incident if you want i can give money for your gear now i know how the rules are sorry again

The first time Anonymous joined the server him and his friend went around RDMing anyone they could find and CLing to keep there gear. He was never banned for some reason.

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Sigh .. I guess those 2 are just complete newbies so I give them some mercy.

Next time it's a ban - no discussions.

Denied - 21/01/15

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