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one rule for us another for them?

Just normal car crash... not vdm imo

You dont wanna get run over?

don't drive such a tiny vehicle thats non-spottable.

Dont drive gokarts on the road.

What are expecting from a cop responding to a situation full-speed and all the sudden he sees your 70miles per hour little gokart?

honestly mate, your lucky you didnt get arrested.

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It's quiet intresting that there a mixed view as some say yes it is some say it's not. But I guess that is down to personal opinion 

Alrighty, firstly these are not VDM. VDM is, quote, "using your vehicle as a weapon", intentionally.

Here is what a go cart looks like from the other perspective. This is on a straight road with good visibility doing around 70kph. Have you seen it yet?


So you spotted it by squinting at a static image. What about the other one? Did you spot that? There's two!

Now imagine meeting one of these coming the other way whilst doing 200kph . His speed + yourspeed + latency = zero chance of spotting the kart. Hell, there's a good chance he had no idea he even hit you.  "WTF WAS THAT?!"

There is a reason go-karts are illegal on public roads carrying a max fine of £100k and scrap. 

Granted, the cops should have stopped, checked you were ok, arrested you for almost killing them with an illegal vehicle, fined you and scrapped your go-kart, but it wasn't VDM. 

Even though the cop was responding to an emergency, he shouldn't have been going so fast he was forced to go over the other side of the road, but this is arma + keyboard driving, and you shouldn't be driving a go-kart on a public road so .... 😝

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I'm apologising on behalf of all police but you should realy not drive a go kart on public road. :)

Pff I am a pretty carefull driver (and not a cop) but I have had this happen once or twice.. Karts are so hard to see sometimes.. take into account the speed you're driving at, things like light and graphic quality, it is very possible the cops in that video did not even see or notice they rammed someone. VDM is using your vehicle as a weapon. That implies intent needs to be part of it before it is VDM. Therefore this would not be VDM but road accidents.. They provide for good RP opportunities but yeah as I said, the speed the cops were going at it's likely they never even noticed.

Don't drive karts on the main road. It's stupid and asking for accidents.
