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Okonkwo Chinua Achebe: Theft of police vehicle inside blue zone

Rambo m8

Well-known member
Liverpool, England
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Okonkwo Chinua Achebe
Time & Date this happened:  3:00AM GMT  21/05/2015
Which Server did this happen on: #1
Description of what happened: After DSGT Scottish was kicked off the server for some unknown reason i jumped into the drivers seat and left the car outside the HQ while i proceeded to pick up his weapon. The accused then attempted to pick up the weapon and then decided he would run and steal our vehicle inside a blue zone.
What Rule Was Broken ?: 6E)[SIZE=medium] You are unable to steal vehicles in a green or blue zone (Punishment is a ban)[/SIZE]
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: No as i believe he has broke the rules multiple times tonight.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)


Still it was inside the blue zone.
I'm not ingame to see for myself what the boundaries are, but this has to be in or out of the zone by a couple meters at most, and in the situation in this video I obviously didn't have time to check.

We were in an RP situation that clearly involved the car and it was out of the gate, which is why I stole it.

You dont have to be in the game to see watch the video and you can see where it clearly shows the blue zone area. At first i thought it was on the edge but it is actually in the blue zone as you can see i go back to where the car was stolen. You was not in an RP situation that involved the car, we drove out of the HQ then all the police got kicked off the game i stopped mctavish DC'd and you went to pick his gun up but instead ran for the car and drove off.

You dont have to be in the game to see watch the video and you can see where it clearly shows the blue zone area. At first i thought it was on the edge but it is actually in the blue zone as you can see i go back to where the car was stolen. You was not in an RP situation that involved the car, we drove out of the HQ then all the police got kicked off the game i stopped mctavish DC'd and you went to pick his gun up but instead ran for the car and drove off.
The car was definitely part of this because the gun had dropped while you were all in the car. I can see that it might have been inside the bluezone by a meter or two now that you pointed it out, but it could have just as easily been outside the bluezone as well because you were moving in a sport hatchback and the body could had some momentum that didn't register on the map.

It's really irrelevant because I think what I did was justified by the fact that the boundary is such a weird shape and I had to make a choice before you would have arrested me.

I didn't spend the night breaking rules like you suggested, and we could have probably sorted this out on teamspeak. I can see I may be in the wrong here, but you can probably see were I am coming from.

We wasnt going to arrest you, we asked you to not pick up the gun which you didn't and then you turned and ran straight for the car. I purposely parked it back into the blue zone as you can see me doing so. I can see where your coming from kind of but i also know your not new to this community so i dont know i will leave it to the admins. As for me stating you breaking rules all night a fellow officer told me you had broke a rule earlier on which i also witnessed and he has dealt with it accordingly.

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We wasnt going to arrest you, we asked you to not pick up the gun which you didn't and then you turned and ran straight for the car. I purposely parked it back into the blue zone as you can see me doing so. I can see where your coming from kind of but i also know your not new to this community so i dont know i will leave it to the admins. As for me stating you breaking rules all night a fellow officer told me you had broke a rule earlier on which i also witnessed and he has dealt with it accordingly.
I was wanted for a lot of things at the time and expected to get a fine for picking up an illegal gun at least. Also I wanted the gun, of course.

Moving a car back into a blue zone like that might be fail RP because you are assuming that that would stop a criminal from stealing it despite only moving it a few meters, but I'm not sure.

We didnt know your name and had no reason to arrest you or give you a fine, you watched the officer disconnect and proceeded to walk over and pick up his gun. Noticing my accompanying PCSO and i get out the vehicle and ask you not to pick it up your next option was to steal the police car. 

As for the fail RP for purposely parking my car back into the blue zone, its like if i had CCTV outside my house but not parking my car there, of course i am going to that's the purpose of having the CCTV in the first place.

We didnt know your name and had no reason to arrest you or give you a fine, you watched the officer disconnect and proceeded to walk over and pick up his gun. Noticing my accompanying PCSO and i get out the vehicle and ask you not to pick it up your next option was to steal the police car. 

As for the fail RP for purposely parking my car back into the blue zone, its like if i had CCTV outside my house but not parking my car there, of course i am going to that's the purpose of having the CCTV in the first place.
I heard you tell me to not pick up the gun and decided not to listen. I had the gun on me when I stole the car.

The police station doesn't have cameras, I don't see how the blue zone could work like that when you can't even talk about it inside of role play.

It's a police station, you need to roleplay this as if there's a lot of police and equipment inside this area...  that being said, the officers failed to lock their car..... 

I'll issue a warning, roleplay everything, its a serious roleplay server, and with that the police station is "not empty" (even when it is)......

In future check the zones, it's what we go by.
