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Non Staff CoC members


Mirror Park Motors
Morning All,

I'm sure at this point everyone is aware that CoC is a difficult job, with lots to manage and govern. At times this can be frustrating for the player base but is also understood that it is all part of the process and it just takes time. I think I speak for the majority of the population when I say we appreciate the work that goes in behind the scenes to make business deals happen

I myself, totally understand why, non staff members haven't been used previously for CoC and it could cause quite the few headaches however, I do believe there to be solutions to some of these issues.

1. Using non-staff members would speed up certain processes and give a more connected feel to the city.
2. lighten everyone's work load
3. Will also add a new roleplay experience to the server and create more unique opportunities

So now to the real suggestion as to why & how to make this work.

I would suggest that a system like an internship to be used after an intense interview and selection process. (I also have some ideas on interview and selection process but I will save that for another time)

An example of how I would see this "Internship" working. they would carry out admin tasks around the city (such as requests, business that are up for sale and promote the CoC interviews for new business on social media and check in on local business owners) This would give a bigger presence in the city and more roleplay opportunities without the "players" actually having any authority to make any game changing decisions or developments.

From a staff perspective this could also help with sorting the mass amount of spam the CoC gets and would organise in tasks that can take priority through monthly or fortnightly meeting.

Another example of how this could be a benefit to everyone, I was recently involved in an interview process for a buying a business. While the process was great and created a very exciting atmosphere. I believe we could much more to add more depth.
I.E in that fortnightly or monthly meeting the head of the CoC (Staff) would say we have X business in our hands, so I would like John Doe to promote this business for interviews in a weeks time (interviews to take place on the 1st August from 8pm) It would then be down the John Doe to promote it and organise the interviews such as. Take names of who is interested and liaise with the police to do a background check, then send out a text to all those people who have been successful. Stating you have made it to a face to face interview and your time slot will be 20:15pm on the 1st August. Can you confirm you can make this time?

This would make it a little more in depth and a better experience all round. you could even eventually have the none staff players conduct the interviews and record them on Medal etc. select the top 5 from that and send them to staff to make the final decision. This would save the staff time and increase the roleplay for the players.