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Noctis, Martux, High (Action: Bans Issued 17/12/2014)

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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
Noctis, Martux, High.
Time & Date this happened:
~17:00 UK Time, 13/12/14
Description of what happened:
AEGIS were in operation at the Salt Processing area. During a standard operation, the reported refused to communicate or roleplay and proceeded to combat log once in cuffs.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
No, couldn't find 'em in TS... and they d/c'd.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(Other AEGIS members were also recording and will be available to render video on request)
i can confirm these guys did combat log during this situation ( naughty aegis breaking laws in our lands lol, im watching you :ph34r: )

Report Approved for Noctis & Martux - Awaiting admin confirmation and thread to be moved, I've had a look over the video however I'm unable to see anyone by the name of 'High' combat logging. Please make a new report if you obtain the evidence.

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2693456367e16fb341081451e907105e -1 Noctis - Forum Report 17/12/2014

Martux and High already banned in other reports.

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