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No rdm but SHIT RP???


Active member
The Netherlands
4 people (including me) was processing copper @ the multifactory.

1 guy comes in and shout that we have to put our hands up....oke we were a little confused but its a fact he started the RP.

After that we got killed by him and 1 friend that sniped us from far away.

We got on teamspeak but they insulted and shouted to us that we are retards etcetc.. So in a decent way we couldnt talk about it.

A admin came and gave them the rights that it was SHITTY RP but its RP.

My question about this: if 1 guy is shouting and starts the RP, we all can get killed by everyone in Kavala for instance? 

I really doesnt feel right that this RP is approved, but thats my opinion.

What do you think about this?????

(sorry for my shitty english, hope you can read it)

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Yea that was bullshit rp. I think that they should get banned for that. Its like going around the rules and give them reason to just shoot you. There was no given threat or anything so that makes it even more bullshit.

The guy who was initiating he was doing so poor rp and that guy should get banned at the first place. 

edit. Remember to record teamspeak conversations next time if something like this happen again that they insult you etc.

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Ah wat is dit jongeuh haha 

But indeed, it is shitty rp...

'Teringlijers' lovely :D

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I had a similar situation happen to me near the Kevala Garage with a bunch of police officers (who got killed as well, I was merely a bystander), you're right it's lame RP but it could've been delivered more effectively. If that guy explained that he had people pointing guns at you and that if you didn't all comply then you would get shot, that would've been better instead of a "you have five seconds to get down."

It's not an adequate amount of time to figure out what's going on, since you get some hobos running around yelling that as a prank haha.

He asbak. 

This is poor/low RP. But as the admin stated as well.  Its still RP.

Legend of 5second is true!
I wish it was diffrent but its true.. 

Would be ****** if all rebels and police are going to use this..  100% RP server. 

This is not ment for the Admins! This is for the players that are to weak to put in the effort to show some real skills. 

In my personal opinion if someone is using the 5 sec line. He is nothing but a lame silly hobo that dossent understand the world of RolePlay and should there for not play on this server. Only to run around breaking others story. 

Shooting is easy.. reload.. aim.. shoot....  using the 5 sec line is more like this: 

Unable to think.. no rp skills (5sec).. shoot....

Its a shame that it happenend. 

