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No lag / Freezing PC build

Edwago - R Henderson

Well-known member
Firm Tower
Good morning

I am getting asked often what I run now getting no issues while playing, freezes at legion etc. So see below specs/ clips and picture.

Below is my build and I am using realism graphic mods QuantV + NVE. My GPU usuage is around 90% somtimes a little higher and somtimes a lot lower depending on where I am.

My PC specs

See some clips below at 1080p  ( I run at 1440p so looks even better than the video to me )





I just upgraded my pc and got the GeForce 4090. But I get frame drops and have tried everything it fix it. Don't know if u have any ideas ik u have a AMD but I will never know of I don't ask. 

I just upgraded my pc and got the GeForce 4090. But I get frame drops and have tried everything it fix it. Don't know if u have any ideas ik u have a AMD but I will never know of I don't ask. 
GTA is an old game and a lot of the newer and better hardware is limited by the games engine. Combine that with custom scripts, resources and high player count you see where I'm going with that. If your game is running at high frames, the fps drops from 140 to 100 would be more noticeable in that scenario. Try capping your fps anywhere between 80-120 so when fps drops do occur, it doesn't cause stutters, you will however how to figure that our yourself (I have mine capped at 80 ). You can do that with Nvidia's control panel or use ENB like I do, best of luck.

That makes complete sense tbh. I did cap my fps to 240. When it does drop it drops anywhere between 80 to 120. Thank you for the information I will do this later and then hopefully no more drops. 

That makes complete sense tbh. I did cap my fps to 240. When it does drop it drops anywhere between 80 to 120. Thank you for the information I will do this later and then hopefully no more drops. 
You might not have to even cap it just turn vsync on and it should run smooth 

@MartleLet me know if it helps if anything record a short clip and ill try recreate the issue and see if I can help

So I turned vsync on and had no frame drops last night. And fps was sitting around 80 to 120 instead of 190. 
Cap your FPS too 140-160 and you should be good, no matter what computer you have if you go above those numbers it will stutter for some reason. Just GTA I guess.

It takes a lot of time to get settings that work for you, its a big city with lots of custom MLOs and stuff so its very intensive on the card.

Im running no mods now but max settings at 1440p and I still nearly max out my GPU performance.

Cap your FPS too 140-160 and you should be good, no matter what computer you have if you go above those numbers it will stutter for some reason. Just GTA I guess.
So a update after a few days with vsync and capped at 140 fps the stuttering has returned 😞
