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nigall combat logging ban

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Well-known member
hi i would like to appeal on behalf of my friend nigall who doesnt have an active forum account at the moment.Nigall was banned this afternoon for apparent combat logging when under arrest. However the actual reason for the log out was a fault with the intenet connection in the area which went down for around 15 minutes.

nigall contacted me on teamspeak to tell me of the problem but by the time i tried to message the arresting officer to explain the situation and to tell him that once nigall had re established connection he would hand himself over to the police the officer had left the server.

i would be very grateful if this ban could be overturned as it was simply a computer error and not an intentional combat log. Also as soon as the ban is overturned nigall has sais he will hand himself into the police straight away many thanks

Hello, Please can you tell Nigall we only deal with Unban requests directly with the person banned.

I will leave this unban request open until he turns up here.

Many Thanks

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thanks wilco for your reply ive spoke to nigall and hes in the process of creating a forum account

i am nigall and im asking for the unfortunate battle eye ban to be lifted as i sufferd whilst being restraint during the game a loss of internet connection >? if i still have to be arrested ect in game then i guess thats fine by me

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I dont think ive been unblocked from battle-eye yet as i still cant log into both server 1 or server 2 ? do i need to provide more technical info from arma 3 software ? many thanks from your prompt reply..

Thanks for signing up, Can you get me your GUID, when you have it please PM me with a link to this read and ill process your unban request.

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