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Nicolaj going away for some time

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Well-known member
I have chosen to not play on this server untill the new framework comes out, because i feel like that there needs something new and exciting now. To all of my fellow gang-members, i have given Nick Roosen the leader position, and Lewis the Co-leader position, untill i will be back. 

Goodbye! :)

I understand it... Doesen't mean i like it. I hope you will come back soon because i'm already missing you

nikolai I'm pretty much hibernating at the moment too, I'll find the time for this when the new framework is out! because that I am looking forward too. I'm just working flat out at the moment which is the reason why I haven't been online! Remember when me and you annihilated a full heli of SVGO and wrecked there reinforcement friends in kavala on our own :p 

See ya man, still remember when we first met (A long time ago)

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