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NHS Membership Currently Unknown??

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Budliegh Salterton, Devon, United Kingdom
Hi, I applied for the NHS on this server just under a year ago and I managed to get accepted after going through the interview process.

Although sadly only 1 day after getting accepted my grandad fell very heavily ill with cancer and I just didn't have the time to play Arma 3 as much and I was always running around doing errands so I had to set the NHS and server aside... It's now been under a year and my grandad has passed and I'm finally getting my life back and it's all beginning to return to my normal routine... Although due to it being so long ago I have absolutely no clue whether the admins or managers of the servers NHS even class me as being a member or not...

My one issue is since the time of my interview my teamspeak and emails have all changed so I really don't have a way of going on to the NHS teamspeak and finding out...

I guess my question is directed at the managers/admins of the NHS section, and basically what I'm wondering is can I come back? Do I have to re-do my applciation or do I need to have another interview, A few details and personal opinions on things have changed and I'd very much like to begin working for NHS within this server... I was extremely saddened because the day that I was due to go on the server and start my first patrol was the day everything went to pot...

I'm sorry if this 'Topic' is in the wrong place, I wasn't 100% sure on where to put this but I'll take it down if an admin wants me too...

Kind Regards,


I can say that you'll definitely of been removed for inactivity as its been a very long time (System is automated pretty much now).

The NHS don't have a separate TS, they use the same one that everyone else does (ts.roleplay.co.uk).

You'll want to speak to the CMO's / CST's about it who can point you in the right direction, I've tagged a few below that I remember the forum names for so hopefully they'll reply here, if not see them on TS

@CMO Jackdevo @CMO Joel Denning @Norman @CST Jefke V @CST John Yellow

Edit: As answer given by CMO Jackdevo.  Question locked :)

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If you check on your stats page and then you will see if you are whitelisted or not. If you are, you will probably be marked as inactive or be kicked out. Contact a CST+ and they will help you.
Sorry to hear about what happened.

best thing to do is probably speak to a cst about it but you might have to go through the interview and that again ain't an nhs expert 

Welcome back to the community fella! 

Like all the others said above, jump into the Teamspeak - "ts.roleplay.co.uk" & shoot a CST a message about the whole situation. (Don't spam them thought 1 message is enough) and hopefully they can guide you on the right path. 

@Admiral Sideburn's I have went ahead and set you as active again, please try to get on patrols with MTO's or above to get back into NHS Roleplay again :)

Our new handbook is linked here: http://handbook.altisnhs.co.uk/ Please read it and re-familiarise yourself with it.

Also, feel free to contact a CST or a CMO in team speak to get your Student tag back.

Welcome back!

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@Admiral Sideburn's I have went ahead and set you as active again, please try to get on patrols with MTO's or above to get back into NHS Roleplay again :)

Our new handbook is linked here: http://handbook.altisnhs.co.uk/ Please read it and re-familiarise yourself with it.

Also, feel free to contact a CST or a CMO in team speak to get your Student tag back.

Welcome back!
Thank you very much, It's good to be back, and 'Hi' everyone, I will be sure to be very active... I cannot wait to get started :)

Thank you to everyone for answering so promptly

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