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NHS Day (off) 4 (Altis Journal)


Active member
I was finally given a day off, which was surprising considering the demand for our services.  But understandable considering the effort we put in.

I decided that I would finish off the civilian job I had just before I joined the NHS.  I had driven my Covered Tempest full of Copper ore into the garages in Kavala.  I know this was dangerous, but it was late at night.

So I made my way to the garage.  On route I heard massive gunfire and those horrible words. "Stop running and put up your hands".

I mentally looked at my chances of running which I decided was lower than if I had been a one legged tortoise trying to outrun a rabid dog.

I also quickly came to the conclusion that he must be armed, and I had not replaced my gun since I got robbed last time.

So I stopped.  As always when I am stopped, I loose my voice for a couple of minutes, so I did not response that quick.

As I was about to shout "Ok you got me" as I mentally reaslied I had about 2k on me. I heard,

"Ok you got me"

Now I am no ventriloquism, and thinking about it even if I was, I should have know if I threw my voice.

So I turned around and could not see a thing.  I quickly put my hands down and looked around the corner of the building.

I have never been happy seeing people being robbed apart from now.  I was ecstatic right now however.

I started to run in another direction towards the garage.  I came to a road and used my green cross code.  On looking left I saw a red SUV out of control crash into a building.  The building was exactly where I would have been if I had not stopped.

Lady luck is with me today.

I got  to the garage without furhter incident.  I got the Tempest out and started to go toward the main road.  Immediately I was stopped in the middle of the road and told to get out of the truck.

I asked for a little leeway as all I had on board was processed Copper.  I was told to unlock the truck, and if there were no drugs I could leave.  Another car started to come towards us, another guy threaten the car, who obviously did not want to stop.  So they told me to leave.  I have never got in my truck as quick as that.

Another close shave.  This in fact is turning into a gilltte 4 blade razor day.

Not wanting to push my luck, and remembering that last time I parked my truck in front o the copper trader I was robbed. I drove on a bit and parked out of the way.

This meant that I had to run between the truck and the trader, but everythin went ok.  I was now full of cash and needed to get to an ATM.  No the nearest is Kavala, but I thought of the trouble there and went in the opposite direction.  I drove past the ATM and again hid the truck. 

Major sigh of relief once the money was in the bank, however I was still a target with my truck.

I went the back routes to Athira.  Finally got to the garage and parked up.

I was excited to see that I had now accumulated over 1,000,000.  Awesome but what should I do with it.

So I thought:

1. Buy a gun again.

2. Buy a helicopter.

3. Pratice for NHS with my helicopter.

Now this seem like a simple set of tasks, and for most people this would have been.  However this was me doing it so it would not go simple.

I heading to the gun shop and parked by the church.  Again I could not believe my luck.  I was in and out, armed and ready within 5 mins.

I now headed towards the airport, at this stage I thought I was invicible.  Nothing could stop me.

Now I did not want to leave my car at the airport once I got my helicopter, so I went to the garage and left it there.

I ran to the ATM drew out 450,000 and went to the Helicopter salesman.  He looked at me and laughed.  Not really getting the joke I asked what was so funny.  He told me that I needed a pilot licence.

Shit, why had I not thought of that.  I asked him where the nearest DVLA was and it was back in Athira.  The salemans said, its only a short drive away, oh where is your car."

I had to think of something quickly to not seem stupid "Well I didn't need it, I thought that I would skydive there"

Well I had to think of something smart.

This was my first time, and it took me a while to figure out I needed to pull the cord to get the shoot deployed.  Like everything we do the first time, we anways have a timimg problem and I am embarrassed to say I suffered from premature shootitise (a condition where you shoot too quick).

So here I was at 4,000 feet, with a full parachute heading towards Athira.  Now it takes ages to get there, but eventually I arrived, and almost landed on the garage roof.  A few people were around, and I suddenly realised I still had 450,000 in my pockets.  I ran straight to the ATM and quickly out it back in.  I have never spent this much time without being robbed yet.

I bought a licence, got a car and headed back.  It was starting to get dark now, so I drove to the go kart area and bought one for a laugh.  They are nippy little buggers, and it was not long before I was on the airfield rather than the track.

I didn't crash once, I thought that this was because of my luck status, as you can ask anyone who has been in a car with me, that I am not the best driver.  Most of my cars have at least 10 toolkits, that is about right for me to travel from Kavala to Athira.  Later when I looked at the day in total, I realised I had not crashed the go cart only because there was nothing to crash it into.

So if you remember my original list was:

1. get a gun - done with no problems

2. get a helicopter - now got the licence

3. practise flying

So I put the cart away, and was pleased to know that I had transport again if needed.  Ran back to the ATM and drew out the money.  On my was back to the salesman I heard a SUV coming down the road.  Again my heart went in my mouth and I wandered if I should run back to the ATM, run or hide.  Fortunately the driver just carried on.  I tentively ran to the salesman and bought the helicopter.

For those of you who have not bought one yet, the first one you buy is awesome.  I walked all around it, so proud to own this shiny new tool.

I got in and checked all my controls,  read the manual, and evenv looked at t few instructional videos.

I started the engines and slowly raised to about 100m.  I pushed the stick forward and we started to go.  I could not understand why the NHS demanded a flight test, afterall this was easy I thought.  Little did I know that all the good luck I have had so far was just a build up of bad luck waiting to happen.

I pushed the stick further forward, and then the helicopter took a life of its own and dove for the ground.  It was like the helicopter suddenly rememberd about gravity, and forgot it couls overcome it with the blades.

I then remeber waking up in Athira, without everything I had on me.  Next time my list will go like this.

1. Empty all equipment

2. Take off my clothes

3. Loose the bags

4. Deposit all my money

5. Ask for a medic to turn up at the airport

6. Get in my helicopter

7. Crash

8. Ask for medic

9. Accept that I will be the laughing stock again for a while.

So it was an eventful day/night, and I leart a lot of things.  However I think that I would be safer as a medic in the red zone, than I am trying to fly from the Airport to Kavala.

FA.House / Psychel

Another great read buddy. I have been in the car with you and I must say it was good to know you actually stayed in the cart and did not throw yourself out! Heli's are great when you get the hang of them. I use Flight Simulator X alot so have a joystick and throttle which makes it more fun and realistic. 

Glad you got some luck on civi street. Its a harsh island!

I absolutely love your stories, please don't ever stop doing them. Got a massive grin on my face atm
