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Need help with unwanted 2nd account!

Solovei Razboinik

New member
Good time of the day!

Last night I have created a user account on roleplay.co.uk as I had lost my previous login and password to the original a/c. With help of the the RP staff, I was able to reactivate my original account which I am very pleased with.

Now, I wish to delete this Solovei Razboinik a/c as it is not needed and will just be taking up unnecessary space in the database, plus, Im kinda anal and it bugs me.

Could someone explain how I can delete my unwanted a/c or perhaps one of the staff has an option of deleting account? Would be appreciated.

The account that I wish to delete is this one, "Solovei Razboinik".

Thanks in advance.

Dear @Wilco and @Ciaran!

This is my original account that I have managed to restore. Could you help me pls with deleting the "Solovei Razboinik" account?
