You know like all of these crime series like Vera etc that are on TV, I want to do the same, obviously I need some help and it will take quite a while but I don't know how to make it professional like a proper TV series.
First of all don't underestimate it. I've done many series on different games that required professional handling. You'll need a good crew (both acting and technical) and if you plan on recording this ingame (live server) you'll need to plan things in very well as a hobo could jump in a change your 'script' you had in mind or a situation.
If you wan't I can take a look into it. Feel free to Pm me with what you've got in mind and who knows I can be a help to you.
Wait you've confused me. You want to make a TV series or you want to make a replica in game?
If you are wanting to do this in-game I would recommend a couple of things:
Before every episode write a script! Scripts are crucial.
Prepare for long hours of editing. This is a public server you are going to get people that jump cut into it screaming something that ruins the scene.
Get together a team of people that will be dedicated to this, you don't want people leaving mid way through cus they find it 'boring'
Situations will be staged of course. If you are planning to do this as a police thing I would recommend getting your rebel friends to be apart of the series as any ordinary rebel wont pick up what you putting down, if you get what I mean.