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Navbar Opinions?


Certified Roleplayer
Luimneach, Éire.
I am currently working on a website for a client, and I was asked to make a modern looking website. He wanted the site to be unique, so I came up with a concept for the navbar. I personally like the look and functionality, but of course I want other people's opinions on it before I work on perfecting it, and making it responsive. So, can I have some opinions on it, or even suggestions to improve the concept?


The GIF is laggy, but I am hoping you get the idea :p  

Kevin/RubberDucky <3.

I like that. Funky design. 

If you can get the sub menus off kilter as well, potentially at slightly different angles, having them just hang down as per normal looks like you gave up half way through. 

Otherwise I really like it. 

I like that. Funky design. 

If you can get the sub menus off kilter as well, potentially at slightly different angles, having them just hang down as per normal looks like you gave up half way through. 

Otherwise I really like it. 
I had messed around with it for a while, but rotating/skewing can cause weird effects on text. I will look into ways around that and see how it goes.

Thanks for the feedback :)

If you have issues with rastering ,try changing your font. 

I feel like the text boxes need to be centred vertically, they're currently a little bit down from center. 

Also, maybe a slight shadow on the bottom border, to distinguish it more from the main page.

Other than that, it looks fine to me. Although I do agree with lionel with the sub menu. Increasing font size slightly and potentially a different font should fix the text on the sub menu.

If you need any design input just let me know on TS ;)

Nice work! 
Just enough to make it unique but still clean. 

The only tip I can have that perhaps haven't been said is to use a different idea for the drop down. If I'm not mistaken you're using the bootstrap template and myself is not a fan of the drop down menu they have. I think the arrow looks a bit odd and the drop-down itself. A lot of navbars with sub-menus have them automatically show the sub-options so you want have to click, because then you usually expect to get to that page (hard to tell how you done it by just a gif though). It's a bit different when you have vertical drop-downs, but I have always trouble with horizontal drop downs :).

I dont know, I guess it's very individual how you like it. Anyhow, great work!

Nice work! 
Just enough to make it unique but still clean. 

The only tip I can have that perhaps haven't been said is to use a different idea for the drop down. If I'm not mistaken you're using the bootstrap template and myself is not a fan of the drop down menu they have. I think the arrow looks a bit odd and the drop-down itself. A lot of navbars with sub-menus have them automatically show the sub-options so you want have to click, because then you usually expect to get to that page (hard to tell how you done it by just a gif though). It's a bit different when you have vertical drop-downs, but I have always trouble with horizontal drop downs :).

I dont know, I guess it's very individual how you like it. Anyhow, great work!
Thanks for the feedback, going to create some concepts for the drop-down, not even sure if the final site will be using drop downs at all as it's a one-pager, but maybe.

Kevin/RubberDucky. <3
