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My Tanoa Life Experience


Escaped Convict
Just my two cents on Tanoa Life. Just my opinion, it looks great but here are my thoughts:

1) Logged in, spawned in at airport. Didn't know what to do so I waited around with about 7 other dirty hobos until a bus arrived. This was a really nice introduction to the server and had some nice roleplay. We ended up in georgetown.

2) Didn't know what to do, asked in sidechat and was told to rent a quadbike. That was all the way back at the airport and someone followed up by saying "It takes 4 hours to profit from renting a quadbike". So instead I tried to find and lockpick a quad, this took about 20 minutes but I did it and went ahead and did sugar. 

3) On my way to the sugar exports I hit a twiggy tree and died.  So I'll probably be playing Altis Life for the time being until Tanoa is a little more friendly towards newer players. It looks really nice and has lots of potential but it's not for me. 

Looks great and has much potential. For me personally I don't want to spend hours grinding, instead I want to roleplay. In altis life I only have to grind a few hours a week to keep my bank healthy enough to buy cars and gear for roleplay. I'm not complaining or even making suggestions, these are just my opinions. Perhaps it could help anyone who is considering buying Tanoa.

I strongly agree with this, the system is great but it's far too harsh at the start of the game. I think that more starter money is needed and the resources actually end up giving you a profit instead of doing a boring grind. I thought that this server focused on the RP more instead of progression, and if that is the case then the Tanoa doesn't really reflect that.

This is just my opinion and I guess it's different for everyone!

This is exactly how I feel. I asked sidechat what was the fastest way of making money quick. They said coconuts, you get 5 pounds from each coconut. I did some math and found out that if I wanted to buy myself the smallest truck it would take me around 40-50 hours. It's too much grinding and too little of roleplaying.

100 percent agree, especially with the limited number of ATMs and the randomness of altis life, it's to harsh on hobos. I get vdmed by cops driving on the wrong side of the road and now I have lost 50% of my spawn money with no profit.

You say "hobo" I mean real life senario a hobo would have even more problems imo, after my 1,5 years here thats not even a major strugle I have been in more shitty scenarios when I need to walk an endless road beacuse there is no trains on altis, just keep it up and dont give up so easily, get up on your feets and earn your money I mean when u passed struggles and have the money you will laugh at your struggles, but I understand that this is very Boring but Its RP we all walk the hard road? Good Luck lads :) 

You say "hobo" I mean real life senario a hobo would have even more problems imo, after my 1,5 years here thats not even a major strugle I have been in more shitty scenarios when I need to walk an endless road beacuse there is no trains on altis, just keep it up and dont give up so easily, get up on your feets and earn your money I mean when u passed struggles and have the money you will laugh at your struggles, but I understand that this is very Boring but Its RP we all walk the hard road? Good Luck lads :) 
I agree with you mostly, but it kind of ruins the fun when you need to grind for an hour to break even, especially in an RP server. All I've seen so far is vehicles driving from one run to the other with little to none player interaction.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the new prices and such, the map looks great and the UI looks fabulous (+1 kuddo to whoever made that). The one thing I don't like is that the current economic system focuses the game around money and not RP.

I only went on the server for 10-15 minutes but that was enough to see how amazing it was especially the intro, map layout and level system. I would have stayed on longer but I play on a laptop which delivers a FPS of 5-9. Can't wait to get my new computer. 

@Drizzelok I understand you if that happens I cant say what I think about the RP out in Tanoa since Im not home yet :/ 

But what I think thou is that people that refuse to RP and just be like a bot doing runs over and over wont stay for a long time, but one important thing to remeber is that when you DO HAVE someone that RP and they do it well you Will enjoy it real good! :)
