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My Tanoa Experience


The Island of memes
It's legit only been around 3 - 4 days since I joined Tanoa and honestly- I love it.

Indeed Tanoa may be hard as can be and it is a grind-fest do not get me wrong. However! I would love to give thanks to my friends at PLF. They have helped me out for the past couple of days and my goodness they have helped me out so much! One of their members asked myself and another civilian if we would like to help him mining with a partial cut we said sure. I was completely broke and out of cash, but that member came to me and helped me build up to where I am now. Later on today I met the rest of PLF and they are a nice group of guys, some of the nicest I've seen on the server and what they stand for is really great compared to what other groups I've seen do recently. Other than that I would like to thank the staff teams for putting up the great server, and the community where I'm honestly going to definitely stay at. I enjoy this community and everyone that's here for now. Cheers guys! :)

i loved the island and PLF, they were in diamonds and then copper, they seem to know a lot.

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Glad to here that you are enjoying your time, and it is nice to see that gangs are helping other people to get around!

PLF bois here we come!


Well some of you have got a gun and trucks and it just shows how much hard work you have put it, and other people should be inspired by you!

I'd also like to say great work on the server and big thumbs up to PLF, this server has a much less paranoid community thanks to groups like you.  I turned up at the copper mine last night and I was sure someone was holding a rave there due to the numbers of people and police :D

I'd also like to say great work on the server and big thumbs up to PLF, this server has a much less paranoid community thanks to groups like you.  I turned up at the copper mine last night and I was sure someone was holding a rave there due to the numbers of people and police :D
The police were out checking we all had our truck licenses for driving all these HGVs about, which of course we did!
