Hi, i was just wondering if my house was bugged, because i have discovered there is some things missing, (i know people can rob my house, but this is a weird robbery then) In the beginning this was gone: 1x black mxm, 1x black mx sw, 1x black mx 3gl, 2x black mx's and 2x mk18 ABR's, and 1 ghillie suit, which to me seems like a robbery where im not sure, because they didnt take any ammo or accesories. I would love to show it with pictures which i have 13 of, but i can't load anyone of them, because the files is too big. Then yesterday i had bought 1x mk14 and a DLC ghillie suit which i stored in my house. Then today i came back to my house, and all of my current guns were gone, all the clothing, ammo and accesories was still there, which i think is quite weird. Could somebody please have a look at it and see if it's a bug perhaps, and i can show the pictures via teamviewer perhaps, or check my steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198032995846