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Well-known member
My question for you guys is why when i see my profile it says i donated 0 pound while i easily donated over 50 in my time as a member of this community alse are all kind of rewards missing like 100 year member 4,20 and so on all things that i had unlocked. i hope my question can be awnserd soon thanks.

King Regards KillaJ

Your donations are there, you also have the 1 year award (I'm assuming you mean this rather than 100).  With regards to 4.20 etc, there aren't any donations listed for 4.20 


Ahh that, I believe that only counts donations since it was implemented, not older ones (Not 100% sure on that).  In either case, that bit is only visible to yourself, not anyone else

if you have a look at my profile you will see my showed amount is different to my actual amount and this is due to the total amount being implemented after we all donated back in the day.

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