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My day with the Commander


It started as a normal patrol with Maratek with the usual procedure of collecting crumpets and coffee from the police canteen, followed by a large sum of money being handed over for around 50 ice creams that we usually keep in the cooler in the SUV.

After interrupting a drug deal a Hemmit box was scrapped, standard procedure for the officers of Altis. As we left the scene the typical SUV stunt usually attempted by the medics was pioneered by non-other than the commander of the police force, Commander Maratek. Quoted in original words from the man himself “I am an amazing driver only in an SUV though”. Sadly as the rest of my story will show, this is not the case.


^Stunt 1 of 7

After proceeding from the drug dealer, me and the Commander started a regular patrol around the streets of kavala when it struck me how shocking his driving actually is:


^Stunt 2 of 7


^Stunt 3 of 7


^Stunt 4 of 7 (Also known as driving on the wrong side)


^Stunt 5 of 7


^Stunt 6 of 7


^Stunt 7 of 7

more to follow

I find your choice of interface colour more concerning than Marateks driving...

Maratek can no longer comment on my SUV driving skills, i may have blown up a building but i only flipped once

That might explain why he always prefered to be the passenger and when he was finally ready to drive it was usually in a hunter :D hehe

Blaze is worse. We suspended him from driving for a week,but I think it made his ego grow as a General with a chaffeur.

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I think Spunky and me were the only decent drivers to ever come out of Athira.
