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My Apologies (Unbanned 19/10/2014)

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Well-known member
Passed out under a Hemit Box in Kavala
I was banned because I killed a player in a green zone (witch I did not know before). I tried to communicate with [PLF] Wolf and wanted to compensate him with his money and his gun. I could not do that because I crashed my car died and lost all of the items and money from him. I still wish to compensate his money and his gun I now have the money to give him and wish to do so as soon as possible. I am incredibly sorry about this incident and I promise that this will not happen again.

Ok, Well read our rules... please note this is a once time unban... if you get banned again then there is no more appeals it will be a perm ban

So take time out to understand the rules before reconnecting.

I have unbanned you.

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