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[MW] Josh unban request (Unbanned 20/12/2014)

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In-Game name: [MW] Josh

Player GUID: 51ac0c96197ba5bba26fa14a77b35fcb

Ban Reason: Breaking Roleplay

Hello admins,

I just want to say im sorry for getting mad and going out of roleplay. I didn't know Go-Carts were illegal (I should've read the rules about that).

And i dont know if im wrong on this, but i didn't know the police could shoot people on sight without saying anything just because they see a person driving in a go cart. I found it really weird that the police could just shoot me on sight, thats why i got a bit mad at the officers and broke roleplay.

So once again, I am sorry about me saying stuff about the police officers, I shouldn't have done that.

I hope you can understand it.



Whats this get your friend to post on your appeal ?... sorry but that just delays things here when its so obvious.

i`ve seen this guy do much worse RDM and Vdm into others cars n trucks didn`t post before as evidence was weak.

he didn't even told me he got banned i just saw it here he didn't ask me a single thing i did this because i wanted to help my friend thats all no reason to punish him for what i did 

I apoligized for breaking rp and getting mad and i would like to apoligize for also being childish and saying harsh and crude things about you puppy1004. It was a one time slip up and i promise it will not happen again. If you guys give me a second chance or even a last chance i will not break RP . 

I will not do this again.

Rule 0: An Adult Community

We are proud to see our-self as an Adult community, this doesn't mean you need to be over 18 to play here... it means you cannot act like a complete douche!

We will ban people for bullying, racial hatred or just being a complete idiot towards other members.

if you don't agree with someone or something someone has said then disagree in a adult manner rather than shitty comments or trying to start a flame war.

Keep things civil keep things friendly and this community will be a very welcome place for all, after all we are here to have fun not cause drama!

We have had our fair share of drama makers here in the past... and as you see they are not here anymore just keep that in mind before posting on the forums, speaking on TS or on the server.

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